Beth Fand Incollingo


Drug Shortages Adversely Affect Treatment Decisions

June 3rd 2013

Shortages of cancer drugs caused many oncologists and hematologists to choose suboptimal treatment plans for their patients last year, and government efforts have done little to boost the availability of the hard-to-find medications.

Sorafenib Doubles PFS in Rare Thyroid Cancer

June 3rd 2013

Interim findings from a randomized, global, phase III study indicate that the multi-targeted drug sorafenib nearly doubled PFS for patients with differentiated thyroid cancer resistant to radioactive iodine therapy.

Maintenance Therapy With Pazopanib Delays Relapse of Advanced Ovarian Cancer

June 2nd 2013

An oral targeted drug already approved by the FDA for the treatment of kidney cancer and soft tissue sarcoma has been found to extend disease-free survival in women with advanced ovarian cancer.

SGO Calls for Broad Changes in Managing Patient Care

May 22nd 2013

The SGO asserts that women with gynecologic cancers frequently receive uncoordinated, fragmented testing and treatment from multiple providers at a variety of sites, often without the involvement of a specialist or supportive services.

In Treating Locally Advanced NSCLC, More Radiotherapy Is Not Better

May 15th 2013

Radiotherapy at a higher-than-standard dose is harmful to patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer who are also getting concurrent and consolidation chemotherapy.

Integrating New Therapies Into the Prostate Cancer Continuum

May 9th 2013

Several case studies highlighting the latest strategies and therapeutic agents available for patients with prostate cancer.

JAK2 Inhibitor Shows Promise in Myelofibrosis

May 8th 2013

The strategy of targeting aberrant signaling in the JAK pathway appears promising thus far for SAR302503, an oral agent in development for the treatment of myelofibrosis.

Serendipity in Science: NSCLC Specialist Matches Therapies With Targets

May 3rd 2013

An interview with Alice Tsang Shaw, MD, PhD, who has won broad recognition for her contributions to the treatment of NSCLC, including the use of crizotinib to target the ROS1 gene rearrangement and research into other emerging agents.

ODAC Turns Down Chemosaturation System

May 2nd 2013

Citing concerns about the safety profile of the device, ODAC unanimously recommended against the approval of the Melblez chemosaturation system for use with melphalan hydrochloride in the treatment of patients with ocular melanoma metastasized to the liver.

What Is the Role of Maintenance Therapy in Cancer Care?

May 1st 2013

Experts provide an in-depth look at the treatment strategy in patients with solid tumors, specifically looking at the role of maintenance therapy.

Embracing a Challenge: Breast Cancer Expert Pushes Forward After Much Success

April 12th 2013

An interview with José Baselga, MD, PhD, who helped to develop new drugs and combination therapies for the treatment of breast cancer, including the early targeted therapy trastuzumab and the more recent pertuzumab.

Numerous Drug Classes Studied for Use in Follicular Lymphoma

April 9th 2013

Follicular lymphoma is characterized by repeated treatment responses and then relapses, and until more effective frontline therapies become available, researchers will need to generate a growing list of drug choices to keep pace with patients' needs.

Baselga Recaps Research Into Three Breast Cancer Pathways

April 9th 2013

José Baselga, MD, PhD, explores the dual inhibition of cell-signaling pathways in breast cancer on several fronts, including new therapies for patients with the HER2-positive subtype and novel ways to target mTOR and the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway.

AACR Rally Protests Cuts to NIH Budget

April 8th 2013

Sign-toting scientists, students, patients, and caregivers gathered near the Carnegie Library in Washington, DC, to protest recent cuts to the budget of the National Institutes of Health, the largest funder of medical research in the world.

Seeking a Standard in the Treatment of Elderly Patients With CLL

March 28th 2013

While there is no standard treatment for most patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia who are age 65 years and older, several regimens are being tested in clinical trials.

BCR Inhibitors Show Promise in Treating Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

March 25th 2013

Two novel, oral drugs that target the B-Cell receptor signal transduction pathway could significantly change the way chronic lymphocytic leukemia is treated.

At 15 Years, Functional Declines Are Similar Regardless of Therapy Type for Prostate Cancer

March 22nd 2013

15 years after treatment, patients have roughly equal odds of experiencing declines in functions, with no significant difference associated with their choice of either radical prostatectomy or external-beam radiation therapy.

Trials Should Test Combinations, Sequences of Novel Treatments for Prostate Cancer

March 18th 2013

Following the recent flurry of FDA approvals for prostate cancer medications, oncologists are grappling with questions about which combinations or sequences of those therapies might improve outcomes for patients.

Integrating Care for Prostate Patients: Multidisciplinary Model Pioneered

March 12th 2013

The multidisciplinary clinic for patients with prostate and other GU cancers at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital has served as a model for other departments interested in providing multidisciplinary care.

Making Time for Innovation: Myeloma Expert Sets Brisk Pace of Discovery

March 11th 2013

Working in the laboratory and the clinic, Shaji K. Kumar, MD, has made a discovery: that there aren't enough hours in a day.