Beth Fand Incollingo


Gene Points to Aggressive Gleason 7 Prostate Cancer

December 31st 2014

A biomarker has been found that may help determine which Gleason 7 (GS7) cancers are particularly aggressive.

No Salvage Treatment for Some With PSA Recurrence

December 27th 2014

One-third of men over 70 years of age who undergo radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer and then experience biochemical recurrence have no need for salvage treatment, according to a recent study.

Studies Find That Blood and Body Fats Drive Prostate Cancer

December 20th 2014

Fats in blood and on the body increase men's prostate cancer risk, two studies have found.

Multiparametric MRI Could Reduce Overdetection and Overtreatment in Prostate Cancer

December 20th 2014

The use of multiparametric MRI in diagnosing and treating prostate cancer was explored in November during a continuing medical education course offered at the annual meeting of LUGPA

IDH2-Targeting Agent Has Positive Early Results in AML

December 8th 2014

The novel drug AG-221 generated durable remissions in patients with AML by targeting a mutation of the IDH2 gene in a small, first-in-man study that represents a new, chemotherapy-free approach for attacking the malignancy.

Brentuximab Vedotin Delivers Unprecedented Post-Transplant PFS Benefit in Relapsed Hodgkin Lymphoma

December 7th 2014

Patients with relapsed and difficult-to-treat Hodgkin lymphoma who received brentuximab vedotin had an unprecedented 50% higher likelihood of continuing to experience PFS at 2 years.

Nivolumab Achieves Encouraging Responses in Refractory Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma

December 6th 2014

In a small phase I trial, most patients with classical Hodgkin lymphoma, having previously failed three or more therapies, responded to the immunotherapy nivolumab.

LUGPA Meeting Will Offer Insights Into Urology Practice Management

October 27th 2014

From a limited first meeting in the late 1990s that included the leaders of a dozen large group practices, LUGPA has grown so much that its annual meeting this November will include up to 550 physicians and 200 administrators, filling the organization's usual Chicago venue to capacity and necessitating a move to a larger space next year.

Novel Drugs Are Being Studied in GU Cancers

October 25th 2014

A round-up of new drugs that are being investigated as treatments for genitourinary cancers.

How Test Reimbursement Decisions Are Made: A Leader of Medicare's MolDX Program Discusses Evaluation Process

October 21st 2014

Despite the promise associated with biomarker-based tools as a means of helping to guide cancer diagnosis and treatment, there is a potential stumbling block: insurance reimbursement.

Radium-223 Production Halted Due to Manufacturing Glitch

October 15th 2014

Production of the prostate cancer drug radium-223 has been temporarily suspended by its maker, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, due to a manufacturing problem.

Commercial Tests Offer Guidance in Bladder, Renal, Testicular Cancers

October 7th 2014

While biomarker-based tools designed to guide the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer are emerging at an extraordinarily rapid rate, they are not exploding in the same practice-changing way in all genitourinary cancers.

Vogelzang Disputes 'Weak' Guideline Rating for Sipuleucel-T

October 3rd 2014

In a recent guideline for the treatment of men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC), the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and Cancer Care Ontario (CCO) shared their thoughts on the implementation of six drugs approved since their previous recommendations were issued in 2007, as well as on older drugs.

Infections After Prostate Biopsy Are On the Rise, Large Study Shows

September 25th 2014

The rate of severe urinary tract infections following transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy for the detection of prostate cancer has been on the rise in Sweden

Link May Exist Between Baldness and Aggressive Prostate Cancer

September 24th 2014

If a man has a certain pattern of baldness when he reaches 45 years of age, he faces a 45% higher risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer later in life than does a man with no baldness at that age.

Fresh Approaches for Treating Micro-Metastatic Melanoma Explored

September 18th 2014

Approximately 85% of patients with newly diagnosed melanoma present with what appears to be clinically localized disease, making them candidates for standard treatment with surgery.

Robotic Prostatectomy Rises, and So Do Costs: Study Tracks Patterns

September 17th 2014

Robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) was widely adopted in the United States between 2003 and 2010, mainly among high-volume surgeons.

Vessel-Sparing Radiation Preserves Sexual Function in Men With Prostate Cancer

September 16th 2014

With the use of MRI imaging to restrict doses to erectile tissues, nearly half of men treated with external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) for prostate cancer were able to be sexually active without aids or medications 5 years later, and nearly 80% could be sexually active if such support was an option

Abbreviated Course of ADT + Radiation Improves QoL in High-Risk Prostate Cancer

September 16th 2014

When given along with radiation therapy to men with high-risk prostate cancer, 18 months of androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT)-as opposed to a 36-month course-not only generates similar long-term outcomes, but results in a better quality of life

Urologists Discuss Their Use of Biomarker Tests in Considering Active Surveillance

September 12th 2014

Experts Touch On Oncotype DX, Other Assays During Peer Exchange