Beth Fand Incollingo


With Continuous Hormonal Therapy, Certain Men With Prostate Cancer Get Marked Boost in Survival

June 3rd 2012

Patients with metastatic, hormone-sensitive prostate cancer and minimal disease spread experience a two-year boost in median survival when treated with continuous, rather than intermittent, hormonal therapy.

Patients With Metastatic Kidney Cancer Prefer Pazopanib Over Sunitinib, Study Shows

June 2nd 2012

Study finds that more than two-thirds of patients with metastatic kidney cancer prefer pazopanib over another FDA-approved treatment, sunitinib.

PCPs Highly Unaware of Long-Term Chemotherapy Side Effects

May 16th 2012

Many primary care providers and some oncologists are unaware of the long-term effects of four chemotherapy drugs used to treat two of the most common forms of cancer.

Battling the Odds in RCC: Interview With Brian Rini, MD

May 5th 2012

An interview with Brian Rini, MD, whose research has focused on RCC, prostate, and other genitourinary cancers, as well as on antiangiogenic therapy and immunotherapy.

Pursuing an Ethic of Service: Lung Cancer Researcher Noted for Drug Discovery, Charitable Works

March 13th 2012

An interview with Mark G. Kris, MD, chief of the Thoracic Oncology Service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, who has dedicated the past 30 years to helping patients with lung cancer.

Genetic Counseling in Cancer Care: What Is the Role of Oncology Nurses?

March 6th 2012

If you saw a patient who was under 50 and had breast, colon, or ovarian cancer, what course of action would you recommend?

Chemo Controversy: An Inside Look at the 'Hot Chemotherapy Bath'

December 30th 2011

There is an ongoing debate in the oncology community about a treatment technique that involves cutting all visible cancer out of the abdomen and then flooding the cavity with heated chemotherapy drugs. The procedure -- known as cytoreductive surgery (CRS) -- followed by hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC), or a

Keeping Patients in Mind: Noted Breast Cancer Researcher Pursues Broad Notion of Personalized Medicine

December 28th 2011

One of a small group of scientists who had a hand in developing Herceptin (trastuzumab) for the treatment of breast cancer, Dr. Debu Tripathy's current work is focused on understanding why some patients are resistant to the drug, and how to create more effective therapies for them.

Channeling His Creativity Into Oncology: A "Renaissance Man" Makes a Mark in Lymphoma Research

December 8th 2011

Andre Goy, MD, MS, treats lymphoma patients at New Jersey's largest cancer center, Goy, 54, is also a translational researcher widely known for his work showing the first-ever evidence of activity of bortezomib.

Focusing on EGFR Resistance

December 1st 2011

Ezra E. W. Cohen, MD, has focused on the role of EGFR inhibitors in much of his research into head and neck cancers.

Making Oncology His Path: An Interview With Ezra E.W. Cohen, MD

November 15th 2011

Ezra E. W. Cohen, MD, is a physician and translational researcher at the University of Chicago Medical Center, that focuses on epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors.

Making a Mark in Lung Cancer: An Interview With Roy S. Herbst, MD, PhD

October 4th 2011

Roy S. Herbst, MD, PhD, is a physician and translational researcher, whose work in developing novel, personalized therapies for lung cancer has helped drive significant changes in the way the disease is treated.

Racing Against Breast Cancer: A Conversation With Edith A. Perez, MD

August 24th 2011

It's hard to tell which moves more quickly: Edith Perez's feet, or her mind.

Those Eureka Moments Glisten: A Conversation With Robert A. Weinberg, PhD

August 1st 2011

When Robert A. Weinberg was a boy, he loved dissecting what was complicated and figuring out what made it work.

Attacking the Frontiers of Breast Cancer: A Conversation With Joyce A. O'Shaughnessy, MD

June 3rd 2011

As a child Joyce Ann O'Shaughnessy enjoyed science and her home chemistry set. Still, she didn't give much thought to pursuing the subject beyond the confines of her school - until she faced a tragedy.

Medicine Is in His DNA: Giant in Breast Gene Research Draws on Childhood Values

May 11th 2011

Plenty of children are afraid to go to the doctor. Dennis Slamon used to look forward to it.

Independence and Tenacity Anchor Immunology Pioneer

March 25th 2011

James P. Allison has never hesitated to buck the system