ASH 2024: Global Updates in the Management of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia - Episode 8

Managing CLL with TP53 Mutation or del(17p): Guidelines and Strategies

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Panelists review recent ESMO guideline updates for the frontline management of patients with CLL and a TP53 or del(17p) mutation.

Video content above is prompted by the following:

  • Briefly review recent ESMO guideline updates for the frontline management of patients with CLL and a TP53 or del(17p) mutation and discuss associated implications. (ESMO CLL Guideline Update 2024)
    • How does the presence of TP53 or del(17p) mutations alter your overall treatment approach?
    • How does the role of time-limited vs continuous BTKi therapy in the 1L setting differ in this patient population?
  • Briefly comment on the underlying rationale and data supporting BTKi therapy as a preferred approach in this setting.