Lisa Schulmeister MN, RN, FAAN


Patient Engagement

July 31st 2012

Principles for patient-centered care recently were released by the NAQC.

Geriatric Emergency Departments

July 25th 2012

Coming soon to a hospital near you?

The Nurse Practitioner Workforce

July 17th 2012

We know more NPs are needed, but how many will be needed to meet future healthcare needs?

The Reality of End-of-Life Care

July 9th 2012

Much remains to be done in the USA to improve the care of patients at end-of-life.

Nursing Shortage or Shortage of Nursing Care?

June 25th 2012

Recent survey suggests it's a shortage of care, not nurses.

ONS Congress Time Again: Getting Recharged and Staying Current in Oncology Nursing

June 22nd 2012

For the lucky ones who attended the ONS 37th Annual Congress, it was easy not only to learn the latest findings, but also to be inspired by thousands of passionate oncology nurses.

Health Insurance Gaps

June 20th 2012

2011 survey finds 25% of adults experienced a gap in health insurance last year.

Sensational Medical Reporting

June 13th 2012

Is the list of "10 shocking medical mistakes" informational or just sensational?

The Treatment Should Not Be Worse Than the Disease

June 8th 2012

It's commonplace to hear newly diagnosed patients and their families talk about relatives, neighbors, and friends who underwent cancer treatment and experienced debilitating, and sometimes lethal, side effects.

NSAIDs for Skin Cancer Prevention

May 31st 2012

Researchers find that people who took NSAIDs were less likely to develop skin cancer.

Sugar Fueled Diets

May 21st 2012

Is it helpful to add omega-3 fatty acids to minimize the damage?

Healthcare Spending

May 9th 2012

Japan spends the least on healthcare and the US spends the most--without providing superior care for the money.

Pass the Carrots Please

May 1st 2012

Costs associated with obesity are even higher than originally thought.

National Comprehensive Cancer Network: Beyond the Treatment Guidelines

April 27th 2012

Each year at its annual meeting, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network presents updates to its Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology.

Nurses Needed for the Nurses' Health Study

April 23rd 2012

Landmark study seeks 100,000 new participants.

Disclosure, Apology, and an Offer

April 19th 2012

New approach to improve the medical liability system expected to reduce healthcare costs.

Cancer Survivors and Causes of Death

April 9th 2012

About half of cancer survivors die from cancer, but the other half die from other causes

Genetic Testing for Cancer Susceptibility: Clinical Utility, Direct-to-Consumer Marketing, and Ensuring Results Are Properly Interpreted

March 2nd 2012

Although genetic testing for cancer susceptibility is a simple process of blood sampling, the interpretation of the results may be rather complicated.

Advanced Cancer Care: Is It Real Care if It Comes Too Late?

December 21st 2011

People with advanced cancer should be told what end-of-life care choices are available earlier in the course of their disease.

Navigation: All Nurses Play a Role

December 5th 2011

Navigation programs in healthcare facilities are proliferating. However, there is considerable variability in their scope and implementation.