Lisa Schulmeister MN, RN, FAAN


Patient-Focused Educational Materials

June 19th 2013

Especially helpful for newly diagnosed patients.

What's New From the NCCN? Survivorship Guidelines!

June 17th 2013

Although the number of survivors is impressive, survivorship also brings challenges, as many cancer survivors experience long-term physical and psychosocial effects of the disease and its treatment.

PRO-CTCAE for Patient Reporting of Toxicities

June 10th 2013

New system hopes to improve toxicity grading accuracy.

Cancer Survivors' Day

June 6th 2013

Another year, another survivors' day.

CMS Releases Data on Hospital Charges

May 20th 2013

New resource provides mechanism for viewing a hospital's billing track record.

RN Staffing Legislation Introduced

May 14th 2013

Goal of proposed law is to improve patient care and reduce the nursing shortage.

Cancer Treatment-It's Personal Now

May 10th 2013

The majority of the new oncology drugs approved in 2012 are oral agents, and by reviewing the indications for these agents, it's easy to see how genetics impacts the agent's efficacy.

Financial Toxicity

May 7th 2013

A problem for many people undergoing cancer treatment.

Denial of Need for Long-Term Care Will Impact Healthcare System

April 25th 2013

Few baby boomers are facing the facts about aging.

Chime in on Oral Cancer Screening Recommendations

April 15th 2013

USPSTF is inviting comments on screening by primary care professionals.


April 8th 2013

Melanoma is on the rise in children and teenagers.

Good News for Cancer Survivorship

March 25th 2013

The number of cancer survivors in the US continues to rise.

Nurses' Educational Preparation and Patient Outcomes

March 12th 2013

RNs with baccalaureate degrees provide the best post-surgical care.

Rise in Some HPV-Linked Cancers Highlights Need for Vaccination

March 11th 2013

The incidence of cervical cancer, an HPV-associated cancer, declined slightly; however, incidence rates increased for oropharyngeal and anal cancer, which also are considered HPV-associated cancers.

Electronic Medical Record Adoption

March 6th 2013

A money-losing proposition for most practices.

Lung Cancer Risk Prediction Model

February 25th 2013

Using different selection criteria for screening is superior to currently recommended criteria.

Colorectal Surgery

February 19th 2013

A consensus panel issues a set of discharge warning instructions regarding colorectal surgery.

Look Who's Making Cancer Screening Recommendations

February 4th 2013

For the first time, Consumer Reports issues ratings of cancer screening tests.

Breast-Conserving Treatment of Breast Cancer

January 29th 2013

An effective alternative to mastectomy for early stage disease regardless of age or hormone receptor status.

National Cancer Screening Rates

January 23rd 2013

Screening rates are lower than desired, and disparities continue.