Jane de Lartigue, PhD


PD-1 Pathway Blockade May Shape the Future of Hodgkin Lymphoma Therapy

January 14th 2015

Agents that target components of the programmed death-1 (PD-1) pathway are poised to make an impact on the treatment of patients with hematologic malignancies, particularly Hodgkin lymphoma (HL).

The New BRCA1/2 Landscape

December 13th 2014

As one of the most significant predictors of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, the BRCA1/2 genes have become the poster child for genetic testing, thrust into the limelight by a high-profile court battle and a celebrity's disclosure.

Outliers Join the Research Fold: Technological Advances Spark Initiatives to Study Exceptional Responders

November 20th 2014

Despite numerous reports of "miracle cures" for a select few patients treated with a variety of different anticancer therapies, drugs that failed to show improvement for a large number of patients have historically been considered failures and have been shelved.

Making Strides With Microspheres: Trial Aims to Extend SIR-Spheres Usage in CRC Liver Metastases

November 12th 2014

The 5-year survival rate for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) remains dismal.

Chasing CTCs: Novel Technologies May Unlock Potential of Elusive Biomarker

October 28th 2014

Despite being discovered more than 150 years ago, tumor cells present in the blood of patients with cancer are only now inspiring significant research efforts. Technological advancements have allowed the isolation and enrichment of these rare cells and, as potential metastatic "emissaries," they have significant potential for improving the detection and treatment of advanced and possibly even early-stage disease.

Attacking Angiogenesis Anew: Novel Agents and Strategies Keep Focus on Complex Cancer Hallmark

October 10th 2014

A decade after bevacizumab (Avastin) debuted as the first anticancer therapy to target angiogenesis, new strategies to attack this hallmark of cancer continue to be a major research focus, resulting in the development of novel agents and fresh treatment settings for existing drugs.

Targeting Mitosis: First Polo-Like Kinase Inhibitor Moves Closer to FDA Approval

September 25th 2014

The concept of targeting mitotic cell division to halt the progression of rapidly dividing cancer cells has long been a staple of oncology therapy, yet chemotherapy agents that are the prime examples of this approach are nonselective in their action and can kill normal and malignant cells alike.

Targeting the Androgen Receptor: New Hope for Aggressive Forms of Prostate and Breast Cancer

September 5th 2014

Although hormone-targeting strategies have been a mainstay of prostate and breast cancer therapies for decades, an improved understanding of the mechanisms underlying these malignancies has led researchers to focus fresh attention on the complex activity of the androgen receptor (AR) as a point of attack.

Attacking Acquired Mutations: Researchers Aim to Make Molecularly Targeted Cancer Therapies "Smarter"

August 8th 2014

Hailed as "new ammunition in the war against cancer" and featured in TIME magazine at the turn of the new millennium, molecularly targeted therapies have gone on to revolutionize cancer treatment. Clinical responses, however, are all too often short-lived as cancer cells become resistant.

CDK Becomes Hot Target Again: Cell Cycle Inhibitors Compete for Success in Breast Cancer and CLL

July 11th 2014

As gatekeepers of the cell cycle, the cyclin-dependent kinases are often implicated in the progression of cancer and make prime targets for therapy.

Targeted Therapy Challenges:More Cancer Genes Discovered, Mutational Burdens Defined

June 13th 2014

Even as technological advances make it possible to sequence DNA on a large scale at relatively lower costs and in shorter time-frames, emerging evidence from the world's top research laboratories suggests that scientists are still a long way from having a complete catalog of cancer genes.

Brentjens Discusses Key Questions in CAR T-Cell Therapies

May 12th 2014

An interview with Renier J. Brentjens, MD, PhD, on new therapies for patients with acute and chronic leukemias, in particular novel immunotherapies such as chimeric antigen receptor T cells.

Targeting CD19 May Yield Paradigm-Altering Technology

May 9th 2014

For the past two decades, researchers have been exploring B-cell specific antigens in hopes of developing a new anticancer target that would mirror the success of the CD20-targeting rituximab (Rituxan). Now, strategies aimed at CD19 are proving particularly promising.

MSK's CAR Trials Halted Temporarily Amid Safety Review

April 9th 2014

Five early-phase clinical trials exploring chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy have been suspended temporarily in response to the deaths of 2 patients with adult B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

A Look at I-SPY 2: Novel Trial Design May Expand the Scope of Oncology Drug Development

April 2nd 2014

Amid a growing recognition of the need to improve the process of developing oncology drugs, the novel I-SPY 2 clinical trial in breast cancer has demonstrated the potential to deliver new, effective treatment options more rapidly to patients who would most benefit while dramatically reducing the time and costs currently required to evaluate experimental therapies.

New Paradigms Emerge for Translating Immunotherapy Into Broad Clinical Use

March 14th 2014

Although breakthrough successes are generating a renaissance for anticancer immunotherapies, the framework for translating promising research results into clinical practice remains very much under construction.

Success of First BTK Inhibitor Opens New Options in B-Cell Malignancies

March 3rd 2014

A greater understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying lymphoid malignancies has fostered the development of targeted therapies, including those aimed at B-cell signaling pathways.

Fresh Ways of Targeting KRAS Emerge in Signaling Networks

February 14th 2014

An interview with Barry D. Nelkin, PhD, from Johns Hopkins, on his research investigating a promising new target in a KRAS-related pathway, cyclin-dependent kinase 5.

Hopes Revived for Targeting the "Undruggable" RAS Family

February 11th 2014

The members of the RAS oncogene family are central cogs in many different cell-signaling pathways, coordinate a variety of important cellular processes, and are highly mutated in a number of different cancers, including several with extremely poor prognosis.

Targeting CD30: Research Focuses on Potential for Expanded Role in Hematologic Malignancies

January 24th 2014

The cytokine receptor CD30 was identified as an attractive anticancer target more than 30 years ago