Jane de Lartigue, PhD


Myeloid Cell Subtype Attracts Growing Interest as Immune System Target

October 6th 2016

As the role that the tumor microenvironment plays in the development of cancer becomes increasingly well understood, a new player has emerged: myeloid-derived suppressor cells.

Exploring the "Dark Matter" in Prostate Cancer Genomics

September 14th 2016

Mark A. Rubin, MD, is an expert in prostate cancer genomics and pathology who has led key discoveries in the distinction between indolent and aggressive types of the malignancy.

Genomic Differences in Prostate Cancer Stages Are Coming Into Focus

September 13th 2016

Prostate cancer is slow-growing and readily curable in many cases, but the propensity for some tumors to develop into an aggressive, metastatic form that becomes resistant to androgen-targeting therapies continues to present a significant obstacle.

NET Oncogene Patterns Don't Fit the Classic Mold

September 9th 2016

Matthew H. Kulke, MD, MMSc, discusses the clues obtained from genome sequencing studies in neuroendocrine tumors and the pressing need for further research.

Genomic Diversity Clouds Outlook for Neuroendocrine Tumors

September 8th 2016

Genome sequencing studies are providing clues for therapeutic avenues of inquiry for the most common types of neuroendocrine tumors but are raising as many questions as they answer.

RANKL Targeting Aims Beyond Bone Health

August 31st 2016

Inhibiting RANK signaling has proved a useful strategy in preventing the debilitating skeletal-related events that are associated with bone metastases in many patients with cancer.

Expert Anticipates Additional Benefits From RANKL Inhibition

August 31st 2016

Eva González-Suárez, PhD, discusses research on understanding the mechanisms leading to cell transformation, the metastatic capability of epithelial cells, and the disruption of signaling pathways in cancer, including the role of the RANK pathway in the regulation of tumor-stroma crosstalk and as a novel therapeutic target in cancer.

"True" Genomic Drivers of Ovarian Cancer Not Yet Identified, NCI Researcher Says

August 17th 2016

Christina M. Annunziata, MD, PhD, has been instrumental in the genomic profiling of ovarian cancers and in elucidating the molecular pathways that are central to this disease.

Genome Sequencing Is Mapping a Path to Personalized Treatment for Ovarian Cancer

August 17th 2016

Genome sequencing studies have uncovered an array of distinct genomic drivers underlying various ovarian cancer subtypes. If researchers can capitalize on these discoveries, it may offer a path to more individualized and effective treatment options.

Tough Target: New Therapies for Cancer Pain Lagging

August 5th 2016

Despite a leap forward in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of cancer pain in the past several decades, clinical translation of targeted therapies has been slow.

NYU Expert Says Cancer Pain Varies by Tumor Type

August 5th 2016

Brian L. Schmidt, DDS, MD, PhD, discusses the difficulties of studying cancer pain and developing new drugs.

Molecular Targets Remain Elusive in Most Sarcomas

July 21st 2016

Andrew S. Brohl, MD, discusses some of the recent findings of genomic studies of sarcomas.

A Genomic Strategy for Each Patient? Sarcomas Are That Complex

July 20th 2016

Researchers are focusing genomic sequencing studies on many different types of sarcomas to emphasize the significant heterogeneity and the unique molecular mechanisms underlying the development of these cancers.

BRAF Emerges as Exploitable Target in NSCLC

July 6th 2016

The types of BRAF mutations in non-small cell lung cancer may differ from those observed in melanoma, and a greater understanding of these nuances and their sensitivity to currently available drugs is a central focus of ongoing research.

Probing the Melanoma Genome Reveals New Targets and Challenges

June 17th 2016

Next-generation sequencing technology is providing greater insight and has uncovered new and unexpected players in melanoma.

Exon 14 Skipping Mutation Could Provide Key to MET Inhibitor Success in Lung Cancer

June 17th 2016

MET exon 14 skipping mutations are emerging as a particularly promising biomarker, at least in the context of lung cancer.

MET Pathway Research Hinges on Finding Right Patient Niche

May 26th 2016

Enthusiasm for the MET signaling pathway as a target for anticancer therapy has not waned despite several high-profile failures in multiple indications. This persistence appears to be paying off as promising new data emerge from more recent clinical trials.

Emerging Antiemetics Offer More Complete Control of Debilitating CINV

April 28th 2016

The new generation of drugs that have emerged as part of antiemetic cocktails have demonstrated greater success in preventing and controlling CINV but the symptoms still present significant obstacles in anticancer therapy.

Immune System Impact of VEGF Targeting Under the Microscope

April 12th 2016

Robert S. Kerbel, PhD, discussed the evolving landscape of VEGF targeting and some of the unique challenges posed by the strategy.

Challenging Genomic Blueprint of Head and Neck Cancers Emerges

April 8th 2016

Next-generation sequencing efforts focusing on the most common form, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, are illuminating the hidden complexities of its genome.