Ben Leach


Cetuximab Fails to Extend PFS in Advanced Gastric Cancer

July 5th 2012

The phase III EXPAND trial of cetuximab in combination with standard chemotherapy for patients with advanced gastric adenocarcinoma failed to show a significant improvement in progression-free survival.

LDCT Scans Gain Support Amid Lingering Concerns

June 28th 2012

Three medical societies have joined in endorsing low-dose computed tomography screening for patients at high risk of developing lung cancer.

ODAC Supports Carfilzomib for Relapsed Multiple Myeloma

June 20th 2012

ODAC voted 11-0 in support of carfilzomib as a new treatment option for patients with multiple myeloma, despite side effect concerns raised by the FDA.

Studies Crystallize Variable Impact of ADT-RT Combination Therapy

June 13th 2012

The results of several long-term clinical trials published last year clarify the role of combination ADT and RT in the treatment of men with prostate cancer.

JAK Pathway Yielding Results

June 13th 2012

JAK plays an important role in the formation and development of blood cells, and defects in the gene have been identified in myeloproliferative neoplasms.

Pertuzumab Gains Approval as Dual Anti-HER2 Breast Cancer Treatment

June 11th 2012

The FDA has approved pertuzumab combined with trastuzumab and docetaxel for patients who have not received prior treatment for HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer.

Two New BRAF-Targeted Therapies Reduce Disease Progression in Advanced Melanoma Patients

June 4th 2012

Trametinib and dabrafenib delayed disease progression and showed a trend toward improved survival in patients with advanced melanoma.

Bevacizumab Plus Second-Line Chemotherapy Extends Survival in Advanced Colorectal Cancer Patients

June 3rd 2012

Bevacizumab plus chemotherapy as a second-line treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer improved survival among patients whose disease had progressed after first-line combination therapy with bevacizumab.

Large Study of ALL Patients Finds Lower Survival in Adolescent and Young Adult Patients

June 2nd 2012

Adolescent and young adult patients between the ages of 16 and 30 had poorer outcomes when given the same treatment regimen as younger acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients.

Advanced Coverage Recap: 2012 ASCO Annual Meeting

May 30th 2012

On May 16, the ASCO highlighted the results of five ground-breaking studies in advance of its annual meeting held in Chicago from June 1-5, 2012.

PET/CT Scans Detect Recurrence, But Issues Over Clinical Use Linger

May 29th 2012

The use of PET/CT scans in the detection of early recurrence in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck remains an open question, despite recent research suggesting beneficial results.

CDX-011 Shows Promise in GPNMB-Positive Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

May 23rd 2012

CDX-011, a targeted therapy designed to treat patients with advanced breast cancer, appears to increase PFS in TNBC patients who have received multiple prior lines of therapy and express GPNMB.

Federal Panel Rejects Routine Prostate Cancer Screening

May 22nd 2012

The USPSTF has made a final recommendation against routine screening for prostate cancer in asymptomatic males through PSA testing.

Ipilimumab Demonstrates Activity in Patients With Brain Metastases

May 22nd 2012

Ipilimumab generates antitumor activity in some patients with advanced melanoma whose disease has metastasized to the brain without resulting in unexpected toxicities.

Celldex Announces Webcast of EMERGE Data

May 21st 2012

Celldex Therapeutics will present the interim results of a phase IIb study testing the efficacy of a new monoclonal antibody in patients with advanced breast cancer.

UK Advisory Group Reverses Decision on Abiraterone; Drug Expected to Be Funded

May 18th 2012

The prostate cancer drug abiraterone acetate is expected be provided for patients through England's publicly funded healthcare system after NICE reversed its initial recommendation.

Combining Two Targeted Therapies Stalls Disease Progression in Melanoma Patients With BRAF Mutations

May 16th 2012

A combination of the BRAF inhibitor dabrafenib and the MEK inhibitor trametinib has shown promising activity in patients with advanced melanoma.

Sipuleucel-T Stimulates Response in Localized Setting, Study Finds

May 11th 2012

The neoadjuvant administration of sipuleucel-T may stimulate an immune response in patients with localized prostate cancer without adversely affecting their surgeries.

Coverage Recap: ONS 37th Annual Congress

May 7th 2012

A recap of our coverage from the Oncology Nursing Society 37th Annual Congress, in New Orleans, where thousands of oncology nurses gathered and shared valuable clinical insights.

Vemurafenib Study Builds on Positive Response Data

May 7th 2012

Vemurafenib continues to demonstrate clinical response and overall survival benefits for patients with metastatic melanoma.