Ben Leach


Pazopanib and Cabozantinib Explored in Thyroid Cancer

October 30th 2012

Despite the fact that pazopanib and cabozantinib are not yet approved, researchers are already trying to determine the best way to integrate them into existing treatment regimens.

Small-Molecule Inhibitors Hold Promise for Elderly CLL Patients

October 29th 2012

In early clinical trials, small-molecule inhibitors have demonstrated improvement in response rates in elderly patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

Potential Biomarker for Response to Bevacizumab in Colorectal Cancer Identified

October 25th 2012

Researchers have identified a potential predictive marker for survival in cases of metastatic colorectal cancer treated with bevacizumab.

Robust Sipuleucel-T Immune Activity Is Detailed in Pooled Data Analysis

October 24th 2012

Patients who received sipuleucel-T developed immune parameters that correlated with improved overall survival suggesting that these parameters should be the focus of further studies on the treatment.

Blood Test Monitors Response to Treatment in Metastatic Prostate Cancer

October 23rd 2012

A novel assay could determine when patients with metastatic prostate cancer begin to relapse on androgen deprivation therapy, and which patients may respond better to second-line therapies.

7th New York Lung Cancer Symposium Provides Overview

October 22nd 2012

Targeted therapies, personalized medicine, and best management approaches will be the central topics of discussion at the 7th New York Lung Cancer Symposium.

Axitinib Study Does Not Meet Primary Endpoint as Front-Line Therapy for Renal Cell Carcinoma

October 17th 2012

A phase III study of axitinib as a front-line therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma did not meet its primary endpoint of demonstrating a longer median progression-free survival than sorafenib.

Detecting Bone Disease in Multiple Myeloma Patients

October 16th 2012

It is important for oncologists to monitor, design, and administer appropriate bone health treatments at the earliest stages for the 80% to 90% of patients with multiple myeloma who develop osteolytic bone lesions.

Evolving Biologic Diversity Generates New Challenges

October 16th 2012

The heterogeneity of lung tumors generates challenges in terms of the costs and logistics of developing targeted therapies, given that relatively few patients may harbor a particular mutation.

Beth DuPree, MD, Updates Navigators on Breast Cancer Treatments

October 8th 2012

Updates on breast cancer risk factors, screening methods, and treatments for the nurse navigators who are guiding patients from diagnosis to treatment and, hopefully, through survivorship.

From Survivor to Advocate: How One Patient Launched Two Foundations

October 5th 2012

As Bonnie Addario has gone from patient to survivor, she has learned much about what patients are looking for in terms of information and care.

Long-Term Data Show Significant Improvement in Survival With Ipilimumab in Melanoma

October 3rd 2012

Nearly twice as many patients with metastatic melanoma who received a combination of ipilimumab and dacarbazine were alive after four years, suggesting that ipilimumab has long-term survival benefits.

FDA Approves Regorafenib for Advanced Colorectal Cancer

September 27th 2012

The FDA has approved regorafenib, an oral multikinase inhibitor, to treat patients with metastatic colorectal cancer whose disease has progressed after prior therapy.

Final Results of Abiraterone Acetate in Advanced Prostate Cancer Show Significantly Improved Survival

September 18th 2012

Abiraterone acetate significantly improved overall survival with positive responses seen in several subgroups of patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.

TH-302 Shows Non-Significant Improvement in OS for Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

September 17th 2012

A secondary analysis of a combination of an investigational hypoxia-targeted agent called TH-302 with gemcitabine slightly improved overall survival, but the results were not statistically significant.

Alimta Combination Fails Survival Objectives in Phase III Study

September 6th 2012

Eli Lilly announced that a combination regimen of their chemotherapy drug Alimta and Avastin failed to improve survival in late stage non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer.

Bisphosphonates Remain Mainstays in Managing Bone Disease: Development of New Agents Is Continuing

September 5th 2012

Researchers have identified more than a dozen pathways and factors involving bone disease in patients with multiple myeloma who are at the highest risk of developing complications.

Rash Signals Better Outcome for Erlotinib Therapy in NSCLC

September 5th 2012

Cutaneous rash is a common adverse event among patients with non-small cell lung cancer who receive erlotinib and may indicate that the patient will experience a significantly greater survival benefit.

Bosutinib Approved for Previously Treated CML

September 4th 2012

The FDA has approved bosutinib for the treatment of patients with Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myelogenous leukemia who are intolerant or who have become resistant to prior therapy.

Enzalutamide Approved for Late-Stage Prostate Cancer

August 31st 2012

The FDA approved enzalutamide for use in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer who have been previously treated with docetaxel and hormonal therapy.