Physician Extenders in Urology Practices, Part II - Episode 8

Investigating Large and Small Urology Practice Intricacies

The adoption of new therapies and technology may vary depending on the size of the urology practice. In this segment, the panel discusses the many changes taking place as practices grow and new therapies become available.

Paul R. Sieber, MD, and Neal D. Shore, MD, agree that as practices grow, the best way to utilize each member of the group evolves. Having each member focus on a unique area of expertise is a model currently in place at many academic institutions and should be put into place for larger urology practices. E. David Crawford, MD, believes that the most beneficial aspect of a multidisciplinary clinic is the ability to have other specialists review cases from their angle of expertise.

The size of a practice may also have an affect on how costs are managed. Costs are not a primary factor for many large practices, Mark S. Austenfeld, MD, believes, but smaller practices may be more impacted by costs, since their overhead is generally higher.