Dr. John Marshall Provides Colorectal Cancer Updates

John L. Marshall, MD, from Georgetown University Hospital, on the recent advancements in colorectal cancer.

John L. Marshall, MD, professor, Chief, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Georgetown University Hospital, provides updates on the recent advancements in colorectal cancer being presented at the 2014 Gastrointestinal Symposium in San Francisco.

Researchers are continuing to work on trials exploring vaccine, in order to increase their understanding of how immunotherapy can have an impact in colorectal cancer, in addition to all GI cancers. Moreover, novel research is being conducted into molecular profiling on all fronts, Marshall says. The PARSC trial is trying to build a better “mouse trap” around gene profiling in stage II colorectal cancer. Marshall says this will give physicians a better understanding of who needs treatment and who does not, so that patients can be better characterized.

Marshall says the newest science coming out of the symposium is refining molecular profiling, specifically in regard to RAS testing. As researchers learn which pathways and mutations matter, there will be higher response rates and longer survival.


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