Colorectal Cancer: A Practical Review - Episode 10

Colorectal Experts Discuss the ASCO Annual Meeting

In the final segment of an in-depth discussion on the treatment of colorectal cancer, which was filmed in Chicago during 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting, moderator John L. Marshall, MD, asks each panelists what they enjoy most about the annual meeting. For Fadi Braiteh, MD, the ASCO meeting provides a great opportunity to network with sponsors and other key opinion leaders.

The meeting allows participants to exchange ideas, assist in planning ongoing studies, and discuss the next steps in clinical development. The interactions and discussions at ASCO stimulate researchers and practitioners to find innovative ways to treat cancer, adds Howard S. Hochster, MD. In addition to allowing attendees to meet new oncologists, the meeting allows those who are focused on a single area to learn what advances are being made in other malignancies, comments Richard L. Goldberg, MD.