Virginia Powers, PhD


Compound CAR T-Cell Therapy Shows Promise for AML

June 16th 2018

A compound CLL1/CD33-targeted CAR T-cell therapy showed a complete remission with minimal residual disease (MRD) negativity in a single-patient case study from an ongoing phase I study for relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia.

Obinutuzumab/Chlorambucil Solidified as Frontline CLL Option

June 15th 2018

The combination of obinutuzumab and chlorambucil reduced the risk of death by 24% versus rituximab plus chlorambucil in treatment-naïve patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia with comorbidities.

QoL Data Support Durvalumab Use in Locally Advanced NSCLC

April 14th 2018

Durvalumab treatment over 12 months had no negative effect on key symptoms of lung cancer, physical function, global health status, or quality of life in patients with locally advanced, unresectable stage III non–small cell lung cancer who have not progressed following concurrent chemoradiotherapy.

Post-Progression Data Establishes Osimertinib as Frontline Standard of Care for EGFR-Mutant NSCLC

April 14th 2018

First-line treatment with osimertinib resulted in a clinically meaningful delay in time from randomization to second progression on subsequent treatment or death, establishing the agent as a new standard of care in the frontline setting for patients with EGFR-mutant non–small cell lung cancer.

Osimertinib Prevents CNS Progression in Advanced NSCLC in a Real-World Setting

April 13th 2018

Patients with advanced non–small cell lung cancer and baseline central nervous system metastasis showed control of their CNS metastasis after receiving osimertinib in a real-world clinical setting.

Nivolumab Benefit Unresolved in Unresectable or Recurrent Thymic Cancer

April 13th 2018

Researchers from Japan recommended against further development of nivolumab for patients with previously treated unresectable or recurrent thymic carcinoma based on their findings from the phase II PRIMER study.

Frontline Osimertinib Controls Symptoms for Patients With EGFR-Mutated NSCLC

April 13th 2018

Frontline treatment with osimertinib led to similar improvements in quality of life, including a clinically meaningful improvement in cough, compared with a standard of care EGFR TKIs for patients with advanced EGFR-mutant non–small cell lung cancer.

Final Results Confirm OS Benefit Associated with Olaparib in Relapsed Platinum-Sensitive Serous Ovarian Cancer

November 9th 2017

Maintenance therapy with olaparib monotherapy provides clinically significant, long-term treatment benefits and is safe in patients with platinum-sensitive relapsed serous ovarian cancer.

Survey Shows Patients Consider Several Factors of Maintenance Therapy for Ovarian Cancer Treatment

November 8th 2017

Patients with ovarian cancer were unified in their responses regardless of age, disease stage, or whether they had primary or recurrent disease, and were more likely to opt to receive maintenance therapy if it could offer delay of disease progression and allow patients to maintain or improve their quality of life.

PALB2 Mutation Implicated in Higher Risk of Breast Cancer, Not Ovarian

November 8th 2017

Deleterious mutations in the PALB2 gene may account for the development of breast cancer in women with an elevated risk due to a family history of breast or ovarian cancer, but who test negative for the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes.

Maintenance Rucaparib Extended PFS in Women with Platinum-Sensitive Recurrent Ovarian Cancer

November 8th 2017

Rucaparib delayed disease recurrence in the intent to treat population and across subgroups of women with ovarian cancer.

Tisotumab Vedotin Shows Clinical Benefit and Ongoing Responses in Cervical Cancer

November 7th 2017

A first-in-human study showed that the antibody drug conjugate tisotumab vedotin was well-tolerated and provided promising anti-tumor activity in patients with relapsed, recurrent, and/or metastatic cervical cancer.

No Overall Survival Advantage in Frontline Nintedanib With Chemotherapy in Advanced Ovarian Cancer

November 7th 2017

The final analysis of overall survival data from the phase III AGO-OVAR 12 trial of nintedanib plus carboplatin/paclitaxel versus carboplatin/paclitaxel alone in women with chemotherapy-naive advanced ovarian cancer did not demonstrate a survival advantage with the addition of nintedanib.

Salvage Surgery Improved PFS in Platinum-Sensitive Recurrent Ovarian Cancer

November 7th 2017

Patients with relapsed ovarian cancer and a positive Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gynäkologische Onkologie (AGO) score experienced prolonged progression-free survival after undergoing a second cytoreductive surgery followed by platinum-based chemotherapy.

Immunotherapy Agents Leading Advancements in Metastatic Bladder Cancer

October 10th 2017

The therapeutic landscape is rapidly being altered by clinical trials of immunotherapy for patients with metastatic urothelial carcinoma, but simply changing the way quality of life is monitored could provide dramatic improvements in overall survival.

IMRT Linked With Low Rates of Pelvic Recurrence in Bladder Cancer

October 6th 2017

Delivering IMRT to the bladder and pelvic nodes in patients with node-positive bladder cancer or high-risk node-negative bladder cancer is feasible with patients experiencing low toxicity and demonstrating low pelvic nodal rates of recurrence

Chemotherapy Retains Vital Role in Bladder Cancer Care

October 6th 2017

Although immunotherapy shows great promise in meeting the need for effective treatment of muscle invasive bladder cancer, chemotherapy continues to be an important tool in treating patients with this disease and other forms of bladder and urothelial cancer.

Combined Niraparib and Bevacizumab Shows Promising Activity in Recurrent Ovarian Cancer

September 12th 2017

The combination of bevacizumab plus niraparib demonstrated clinical activity in women with relapsed, platinum-sensitive epithelial ovarian cancer and had a manageable toxicity profile.

PFR Unaffected by Sequence of Cytoreductive Nephrectomy and Sunitinib in Patients With Synchronous mRCC

September 12th 2017

Treating primary tumors by administering targeted therapy with sunitinib (Sutent) prior to cytoreductive nephrectomy did not improve the progression-free rate at 28 weeks over a sequence of immediate CN followed by sunitinib in patients with synchronous metastatic renal cell carcinoma.

Pembrolizumab Shows Greater Long-Term Benefits Versus Chemo for Urothelial Carcinoma

September 10th 2017

Mature results from the phase III KEYNOTE-045 study presented at the 2017 ESMO Congress demonstrated that overall survival with pembrolizumab (Keytruda) continued to improve compared to chemotherapy in patients with recurrent, advanced urothelial carcinoma.