Tony Hagen


New Hampshire Leads Independent Oncology Practice Decline

July 14th 2016

The statistics show you are much more likely to encounter an independent oncology practice in Alaska than in New Hampshire.

CMS Wavers on Commitment to MACRA Reforms

July 14th 2016

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is wavering on its commitment to the Medicare reform package passed in 2015, based on widespread concerns that the changes may be unwieldy and could increase the pace at which smaller physician practices are being forced into mergers.

Rough Start for Oncology Care Model

July 12th 2016

Many oncology practices were motivated to join the Oncology Care Model in order to keep up with the evolution of value-based care. But when the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation started telling practices that their applications had been accepted, it was panic time for some.

CMS Announces Practices Participating in OCM and Launch Date

June 30th 2016

A year after announcing its intention to launch the Oncology Care Model alternative payment plan for oncology care, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said it has 196 practices enrolled across the United States and that the official start date is Friday, July 1.

HHS Rejects Bid to Broaden Access to Enzalutamide

June 23rd 2016

The Department of Health and Human Services has turned down a request to override the patent for prostate cancer drug enzalutamide (Xtandi) so that it can be sold to a broader base of patients at a reduced price.

Experts: No Savings From Smaller Cancer Drug Packages

June 14th 2016

Two researchers have challenged the notion that money can be saved by packaging medications in sizes that conform more closely to patient weight and dosing needs.

Feeling Chafed by Cigna's Genetics Policy

June 13th 2016

Cigna's new policy is an extension of a previous Cigna requirement for the use of certified genetic counselors for breast, ovarian, and colorectal cancer genetic tests.

Patient Longevity Will Be Key Driver in Hematology Market Growth

June 12th 2016

Incoming generic and biosimilar substitutes for dominant, brandname hematology drugs may lead to less costly treatment, but a lot will depend on the quality and supply of these new products,

ASCO Says Its Revised Value Model Is More Practical

June 10th 2016

ASCO's value framework tool for scoring drugs evaluated in trials has been upgraded to address more than 400 comments—mainly, responses to a survey—made by physicians and others.

Florida Practices Band Together for Strength

June 9th 2016

Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute has honed its merger strategy into a finely tuned regimen that goes from due diligence to planning to implementation and follow-up, all in a period as short as 120 days.

Cancer Drugs Less Affordable in Poorer Countries Despite Lower Prices

June 6th 2016

Researchers who set out to understand the affordability of cancer drugs across the globe concluded that lower prices in some poorer countries don’t equate to better access.

Global Oncology Drug Spending Reaches $107 Billion

June 2nd 2016

The global cost of cancer therapies shot up to $107 billion in 2015, an 11.5% rise from the $100 billion 2014 total for oncology therapeutics and supportive care drugs.

New Blockbusters Will Offset Generic Price Erosion in Hematology

May 31st 2016

Hematological practices can expect a slate of new generics to replace long-established brand drugs going off patent, as well as new blockbuster blood therapies that will significantly improve the treatment of some malignancies.

ABIM Offers a Less Burdensome Path to Maintenance of Certification

May 18th 2016

The American Board of Internal Medicine has promised to roll out a series of short assessments that could potentially be taken in the privacy of one’s home or office and via an open book exam.

Changing Drug Packaging Won't Eliminate the Waste

May 17th 2016

Two researchers have challenged the notion that money can be saved by packaging medications in sizes that conform more closely to patient weight and dosing needs.

More Data Needed to Eliminate the Guesswork In Using Evidence Blocks

May 11th 2016

The Evidence Blocks developed by the National Comprehensive Cancer Center make up one of the most ambitious attempts so far to incorporate data from multiple platforms to create a resource with broad applicability for the healthcare community.

Employers Say That Value Means Working Directly With Oncology Providers

May 10th 2016

Oncology practices may soon find themselves working directly with employers on benefits and treatment strategies.

Capitol Hill Fight Against Medicare Rule Change Gathers Steam

May 5th 2016

Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle have responded to urgings from the oncology sector that they join in the effort to quash a proposal to change the rule on physician pay under Medicare Part B.

Enzalutamide Pricing Debate Goes to Washington

May 1st 2016

Enzalutamide (Xtandi) pricing heightens the likelihood of pre-authorization requirements and cost-sharing arrangements that may be financially burdensome, ruinous, or simply impossible to meet.

COA Gearing Up for Fight on Proposed CMS Payment Cut

April 15th 2016

Members of the Community Oncology Alliance have issued a call to arms to spur a greater lobbying effort to stop a plan by The Centers for Medicare & Medicare Centers to implement a drug reimbursement change under Medicare Part B.