Tony Hagen


Biosimilars Gain Traction, Generate Savings

July 26th 2021

The use of oncology biosimilars has expanded rapidly in the United States during the past 2 years as providers embraced a growing armamentarium of new products, according to findings from real-world data reported at the 2021 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting.

Oncology Biosimilar Market Is Growing

May 20th 2021

Although the United States is behind Europe in terms of biosimilars approved and launched, the FDA is adding more approvals each year—29 since 2014—and 73 additional biosimilar candidates are in clinical trials and/or under FDA review.

Physician Confidence in Biosimilars Rests on Real-world Data

May 19th 2021

Providers and health care institutions want more real-world data on how patients respond to various biosimilar products, according to a varied panel of private practice, academic hospital, and group purchasing organization experts in a discussion at the Community Oncology Alliance virtual 2021 Community Oncology Conference in April.

ASCO Identifies Additional Ways to Improve Hazardous Drug Safety

February 24th 2020

The United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) General Chapter is a good start for improving the protection of healthcare workers exposed to hazardous drugs, but more studies and safety protocols are needed, according to an American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) expert panel that evaluated USP and various other guidelines in a report last year.

Practices Make Surprise Decision on OCM Risk

January 30th 2020

Many practices enrolled in the Oncology Care Model were expected to drop out of the value-based model rather than take on 2-sided risk, which would entail upside and downside financial exposure.

T-Cell Immunotherapy Pioneer Seeks New Direction for Solid Tumors

January 11th 2020

CAR T cells are a highly active field of investigation, with many companies at work on formulations they hope to bring to market, but these agents have limitations, particularly with metastasized solid tumors.

Pazdur Followed the Pathway of Greatest Resistance to the FDA

December 30th 2019

Richard Pazdur, MD, set out to be a leader in medicine and a teacher of doctors. He achieved that and more, turning the oncology drugs section of the FDA from a poorly understood and lead-footed division into a fast-moving and patient-responsive entity.

NGS Testing Is Essential Before Induction in NSCLC

November 12th 2019

Suresh S. Ramalingam, MD, FASCO, highlights current and emerging therapies for 6 key actionable driver mutations in non–small cell lung cancer.

Neoadjuvant Approaches Showcase Advantages in NSCLC

November 10th 2019

Based on efficacy, tolerability, and practicality, neoadjuvant therapy in lung cancer offers significant advantages over adjuvant treatment, said Jamie E. Chaft, MD, in a presentation during the 14th Annual New York Lung Cancers Symposium®. However, she added, adjuvant treatment predominantly remains the standard of care at many cancer centers, she said.

CMS Proposes a Next-Generation Oncology Care Model

November 4th 2019

With just 2 more years to go in the Oncology Care Model, CMS is proposing a next-generation payment system that would include more private payers and hold practices more accountable for quality and costs of care.

IBM Seeks Niche for Watson for Oncology

October 15th 2019

The artificial intelligence system that IBM designed for oncology has demonstrated clinical utility in recent studies, generating excitement that the technology may have a role as a decision support tool.

CFS&reg Experts: Novel Therapies and Onco-Genomics Add Heft to Precision Medicine

October 2nd 2019

Co-chairs William K. Oh, MD, Adam M. Brufsky, MD, PhD, and Benjamin P. Levy, MD, preview key topics that will be covered at the 37th Annual CFS®: Innovative Cancer Therapy for Tomorrow symposium.

Andre Goy: Giving Patients Strength to Fight

September 20th 2019

Andre Goy, MD, MS, discusses cutting-edge CAR T-cell therapy and other groundbreaking investigations, as well as his thoughts on general developments in oncology and hematology.

A Gifted Leader Who Broadened Investigative Work in Oncology

August 3rd 2019

A 2018 Giants of Cancer Care award for Community Outreach, Education, and Cancer Policy, Richard L. Schilsky, MD, built a scaffolding upon which new trials were launched into emerging areas of oncology investigation. His work has led to new standards in cancer care, particularly in breast cancer, and along the way he has furthered the careers of many successful and talented oncologists and investigators.

SM-88 Shows Efficacy in Pancreatic, Prostate Cancers

June 13th 2019

Having a late-stage treatment for pancreatic cancer that avoids many of the adverse events associated with chemotherapy would be a boon for patients.

FDA Streamlines Expanded Access for Oncology Agents

June 3rd 2019

The FDA has unveiled what it describes as a pilot “concierge service” for oncologists and patients seeking information and assistance with expanded access to investigational therapies.

ACA Improved Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis and Time to Treatment

June 2nd 2019

Pre-Medicare-aged women with ovarian cancer were more likely to be diagnosed at an early stage and receive treatment within 30 days of diagnosis after passage of the Affordable Care Act than before.

Open Source System Debuts for EHR Data Sharing

June 2nd 2019

A consortium of cancer care institutions released details on a prototype system designed to link electronic health record systems to provide a source of real-world patient information to guide research and improve cancer treatment.

Large Myeloma Study Aims to Analyze Multiple Regimens

May 6th 2019

Therapy for patients with multiple myeloma encompasses many agents and potential combinations, but truly personalizing care will require knowing how those agents interact for maximum efficacy and incorporating patient preferences for toxicity into the care plan.

Genetic Testing Recommended for All Patients With Pancreatic Cancer

April 12th 2019

In a provisional clinical opinion, an expert panel convened by the American Society of Clinical Oncology has recommended that patients with pancreatic cancer undergo assessment of risk for hereditary syndromes that contribute to higher likelihood of pancreatic cancer.