Tony Berberabe, MPH


New Oncology Consortium Developing Guidance Policies for Payers

November 25th 2013

A new consortium of payers, clinicians, patients, and pharmaceutical companies are developing recommendations to help generate evidence-based guidelines to define coverage and develop payment decisions for treating cancer.

Two Studies Suggest Pattern of Misuse for Breast MRIs

November 23rd 2013

Two large cohort studies, suggest that the costly scan is being overused in women who won't benefit from it and underused in women who could gain benefit from it.

Oncology Drug Debate Heats Up Over 340B Discount Program

November 22nd 2013

In this age of sequestration and health reform, 340B is getting a closer look by lawmakers-causing critics and advocates to line up to debate its merits.

Swallowing Exercises Help to Preserve Function After RT and CRT

November 21st 2013

Head and neck cancer patients who participated in a swallow preservation protocol were less likely to suffer from the detrimental effects associated with dysphagia, a common complication associated with radiation therapy and chemoradiation therapy.

Are Oncology-Owned Retail Pharmacies the Answer to Keep Practices Viable?

November 20th 2013

Eroding reimbursement rates and a shift from intravenous (IV) to oral chemotherapy are combining to threaten the viability of many community oncology practices.

In Treatment Discussions With Oncologists, Patients Ask 'How Much?'

November 19th 2013

Two studies presented at this year's ASCO meeting suggest that a significant proportion of patients with cancer want to include the cost of therapy in their discussion of treatment options with their physician, regardless of insurance coverage.

Receiving Chemotherapy in a Hospital Can Cost Up to 47% More Than in a Physician's Office

November 19th 2013

Where Medicare patients receive their chemotherapy treatment makes a difference in the number of chemotherapy sessions that they receive on average.

IOM Issues Recommendations to Improve Cancer Care Delivery

November 15th 2013

Delivering high-quality cancer care continues to be a daunting problem for the US healthcare system because of a combination of factors, including an aging population, a shrinking work force, the rising cost of therapies, and a complex disease state and treatment regimen.

Urologist Ownership of Imaging Centers Affects Self-Referral Rates

November 14th 2013

Urologists who treat men with prostate cancer are 2.5 times more likely to refer patients to intensity-modulated radiation therapy centers, especially if they have a financial stake in the IMRT center.

Drugs and Biologics Account for Largest Practice Expenses

November 13th 2013

The highest expense reported by community oncology practices continues to be attributable to drugs and biologics, according to "2013 Trends in Community Cancer Centers," a survey sponsored by the Association of Community Cancer Centers.

How One Oncology Practice Took Advantage of Economies of Scale

November 12th 2013

One oncology practice in Florida seems to have been able to adapt its practice model, taking advantage of economies of scale, and identifying new revenue streams, while still providing quality care and keeping its oncologists satisfied professionally.