

Net Guides: Gastric Reflux Supportive Care

March 10th 2011

Useful Online Resources and Clinical Trials for Gastric Reflux Supportive Care

Net Guides: Central Nervous System

March 10th 2011

Useful Online Resources and Clinical Trials for Central Nervous System

Net Guides: Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

March 10th 2011

Useful Online Resources and Clinical Trials for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Net Guides: Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

March 10th 2011

Useful Online Resources and Clinical Trials for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Net Guides: Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

March 10th 2011

Useful Online Resources and Clinical Trials for Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

Net Guides: Ovarian Cancer

March 10th 2011

Useful Online Resources and Clinical Trials for Ovarian Cancer

Net Guides: Renal Cell Carcinoma

March 10th 2011

Useful Online Resources and Clinical Trials for Renal Cell Carcinoma

Media's Cancer Reporting Confuses Patients

March 9th 2011

A North Carolina State University study takes the US media to task for writing articles on cancer that use ambiguous terms and increase patients' uncertainty

Technology for the Taking at Research Hub in Scotland

March 9th 2011

The University of Glasgow will begin offering medical and scientific research findings, including cancer-related discoveries, to businesses and entrepreneurs free of charge

Modified Herpes Virus to Be Tested in Sarcoma Patients

March 9th 2011

The FDA has awarded a $600,000 grant for a phase I clinical trial of a genetically reprogrammed herpes simplex virus in young cancer patients with relapsed non-central nervous system (CNS) solid tumors such as sarcomas and neuroblastomas.

Lung Cancer Screening Test Raises Hopes and Sets Stage for Discussion of Guidelines

March 9th 2011

Lung Cancer Screening Test Raises Hopes and Sets Stage for Discussion of Guidelines The Lung Cancer Alliance is pressing for a full discussion about the guidance on whether people at high risk for lung cancer should undergo screening

NCCN Launches Consumer-Friendly Versions

March 9th 2011

NCCN Launches Consumer-Friendly Versions of Guideline Publications Breast cancer and non-small cell lung cancer are the inaugural entries in a new series of publications the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) is rolling out in the coming months.

Web Resources: Healthy People 2020 Puts Cancer Prevention on Agenda

March 9th 2011

Healthy People 2020 Puts Cancer Prevention on Agenda Healthy People 2020, the federal government's recently released 10-year program to improve the health of Americans during the coming decade

Taking a Bow

March 9th 2011

California Researchers Receive Highest Honors From ASTRO Two prominent California-based radiation oncologists are the recipients of Gold Medal awards from the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) this year.

FDA Approves Denosumab to Fight Cancer Bone Injuries

March 9th 2011

Denosumab, a monoclonal antibody that has proved effective in preventing bone fractures and bone pain for patients whose cancer has metastasized and damaged the bone, won approval from the FDA after a 6-month priority review.

Net Guides: Colon Cancer

March 8th 2011

Useful Online Resources and Clinical Trials for Colon Cancer

Nanotechnology X-ray Method Aims to Kill Cancer But Spare Healthy Tissue

March 7th 2011

Radiation, used to treat more than half of all cancers, can sometimes be as toxic to the body as it is to the tumor.

2011 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium

March 6th 2011

ColoPrint, a microarray-based gene signature test, accurately identifi ed the risk of recurrence of colorectal cancer in patients with localized stage II disease, raising the potential of an exciting new prognostic tool for clinicians.

7 in 2011: A Short List of Drugs to Watch

February 4th 2011

From tiny biotech firms to giant pharmaceutical companies, the oncology drug development pipeline is pulsing with activity.