Julia White, MD


Dr. White on Research With Regional Nodal Irradiation in Node-Positive Breast Cancer

March 29th 2021

Julia R. White, MD, discusses research with regional nodal irradiation in node-positive breast cancer.

Dr. White on CNS Metastases in HER2+ Breast Cancer

February 22nd 2017

Julia White, MD, The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, discusses brain metastases in patients with HER2-positive breast cancer.

Dr. White On RTOG 1119 Trial for Breast Cancer

February 9th 2017

Julia White, MD, professor of Radiation Oncology, The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, discusses RTOG-1119 trial for patients with breast cancer.

Dr. White on Omitting Radiation in Breast Cancer

September 13th 2016

Julia White, MD, professor of Radiation Oncology, Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, discusses the omission of radiation therapy for patients with breast cancer.

Dr. White on Relationship Between Multigene Assays and RT in Breast Cancer

September 1st 2016

Julia White, MD, professor of Radiation Oncology, Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, discusses the relationship between multigene assays and radiation therapy in patients with breast cancer.

Dr. White Describes the BR-002 Trial in Breast Cancer

May 22nd 2014

Julia White, MD, professor, director, Breast Radiation Oncology, vice chair, Clinical Research, The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, describes the BR-002 trial for patients with breast cancer.

Dr. White on Curing Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer

April 10th 2014

Julia White, MD, professor, director, Breast Radiation Oncology, vice chair, Clinical Research, The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, discusses the potential to cure patients with metastatic breast cancer.

Dr. White on Ablative Radiotherapy for MBC

March 14th 2014

Julia White, MD, professor, director, Breast Radiation Oncology, vice chair, Clinical Research, The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, discusses the use of ablative radiotherapy in patients with metastatic breast cancer.