Anita T. Shaffer

Associate Director of Editorial, Print
Anita T. Shaffer is your lead editorial contact for OncologyLive®, a twice monthly clinical news publication. A 10-year veteran of MJH Life Sciences™, she has been at the helm of the publication since shortly after joining the company in 2010. Before becoming an oncology journalist, she held a variety of editorial positions at The Times of Trenton, including metro editor. Email:


Rocky Ride for Iniparib Not Yet Over

April 1st 2011

Iniparib remains an intriguing therapeutic possibility despite failing to meet its phase III primary endpoints

Fewer Women Dying of Lung Cancer

April 1st 2011

For the first time in at least 3 decades, the rate of women dying from lung cancer in the United States is declining

Drugmaker Prepares to Ship New Melanoma Drug

March 29th 2011

Bristol-Myers Squibb plans to start rolling out its newly approved melanoma drug ipilimumab (Yervoy) in the next several weeks

Childhood Radiation Exposure Risks Linger Beyond 50 Years

March 28th 2011

It has been more than half a century since radiation treatment was mistakenly deemed necessary to help infants with enlarged thymus glands avoid the risk of status lymphaticus and suffocation

Ipilimumab Approved as Melanoma Treatment

March 25th 2011

The FDA has approved the novel drug ipilimumab for the treatment of patients with metastatic melanoma

New Melanoma Drug Applauded

March 25th 2011

Cancer researchers and patient advocates are hailing the FDA's approval of Yervoy (ipilimumab)

Shedding More Light on Identifying HER2

March 16th 2011

Breast cancer researcher Edith A. Perez, MD, is aiming to present more detailed study findings at national conferences later this year that will help clinicians better identify patients who would benefit from HER2 targeted treatment.

Need for Survivorship Plans Emphasized

March 14th 2011

As the number of breast cancer survivors grows, so does the emphasis on establishing individualized survivorship plans

Preoperative Therapy Offers Value to Patients

March 14th 2011

Preoperative neoadjuvant systemic therapy can be valuable for patients even if they do not achieve a pathologic complete response

Preoperative Therapy Offers Value to Patients

March 14th 2011

Preoperative neoadjuvant systemic therapy can be valuable for patients even if they do not achieve a pathologic complete response

Framework for Evaluating Trial Results Detailed

March 14th 2011

With thousands of clinical trials in play, many oncology specialists are reluctant to embrace findings from newly-released studies

Genomic Profiles as Routine Care Are a Hot Topic

March 14th 2011

Should genomic profiles be used routinely to determine which breast cancer patients receive adjuvant chemotherapy

Personalized Treatment With Adjuvant Chemotherapy Shows Marginal Progress

March 14th 2011

Personalized treatment in oncology is a popular concept these days, but the goal remains elusive

A Call for Change in Treating DCIS

March 11th 2011

It is time to rethink the way oncologists in the United States are treating ductal carcinoma in situ

Phase II Sorafenib Study Yields Positive Results

March 11th 2011

The addition of sorafenib to capecitabine as a first-line therapy for patients with advanced breast cancer

Malpractice Claims Target Breast Cancer Specialists

March 10th 2011

The climate for medical malpractice litigation in breast cancer treatment seems to be worsening

Diet and Lifestyle Are Factors in Breast Pain

March 10th 2011

Breast pain is among the most common reasons that women seek medical attention from a breast specialist.

Brufsky Urges Caution in Translating Assays

March 10th 2011

Amid advances in gene-based cancer diagnostics, questions about the best use of molecular and cellular assays in practice are growing along with the new options for clinicians.

ASCO 2010: Opaxio Highly Active in Esophageal Cancer

August 14th 2010

A drug that delivers paclitaxel in a novel way has yielded favorable results in a phase II trial of patients with advanced esophageal cancer, prompting the company developing the drug to plan a phase III trial.

ASCO 2010: Vandetanib Extends PFS in Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma

August 14th 2010

Data from the phase III ZETA trial show that vandetanib (Zactima), a selective tyrosine kinase inhibitor, significantly slows the progression of advanced medullary thyroid carcinoma