Amer Zeidan, MBBS, MHS


Data on Emerging Therapies for Treatment of Higher-Risk MDS

February 1st 2023

Experts in hematology take a detailed look at new data on investigational therapies for higher-risk MDS, including the STIMULUS-MDS1 trial on sabatolimab.

Oral Hypomethylating Agents in MDS: Data Updates

February 1st 2023

Amer Zeidan, MBBS, and Rami Komrokji, MD, discuss trial updates on oral hypomethylating agents, including data on dosing, for treatment of lower-risk MDS.

Trial Updates on Low-Dose Lenalidomide and Luspatercept

January 25th 2023

An overview of updates from the Sintra-REV trial of low-dose lenalidomide, and data from COMMANDS, MEDALIST, and real-world studies on luspatercept.

IMerge: Updated Safety and Efficacy Data on Imetelstat for Lower-Risk MDS

January 25th 2023

Hematology experts highlight recent data updates from the IMerge trial on the telomerase inhibitor imetelstat, which is being studied for lower-risk MDS.

IPSS-M and IPSS-R Tools for Risk Stratification of MDS

January 18th 2023

Amer Zeidan, MBBS, and Rami Komrokji, MD, compare the available IPSS-M and IPSS-R tools for stratifying risk and assessing prognosis in MDS.

Classification Systems for MDS

January 18th 2023

Distinguished experts in hematology discuss the WHO and ICC classification systems for myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), including recent WHO updates.

Catching Up With Fellowship Grad Dr Amer Zeidan

October 3rd 2016

Amer Zeidan, MBBS, MHS, an assistant professor of medicine (hematology) at Yale University, shares his story about his journey through training with Oncology Fellows, and talks about landing his dream career.

Choosing a Research Mentor During Fellowship

January 7th 2016

Choosing a research mentor is one of the most important steps when beginning a successful academic research career.

Dr. Zeidan on Subsequent MDS in Prostate Cancer Patients After Radiotherapy

May 2nd 2015

Amer Zeidan, MBBS, MHS, assistant professor of Medicine, Hematology, Yale Cancer Center, discusses a population-based study of subsequent myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) in prostate cancer patients after radiotherapy.

How to Prepare for Interviews for Your First Academic Faculty Job

January 11th 2015

The big moment has arrived. After many years of medical school, residency, and fellowship training, you have finally been invited to interview for your first academic faculty job at your top-choice institution.