
Robert Laszewski on the Effect of ACA on Urology Practices

Robert Laszewski, President, Health Policy and Strategy Associates, LLC, discusses the effects of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on urology practices.

Robert Laszewski, president, Health Policy and Strategy Associates, LLC, discusses the effects of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on urology practices.

The ACA presents an opportunity for an effective and rational way for physician practices to see more patients come into the office with an insurance card, Laszewski says. In order for the ACA to work, there needs to be a balance of healthy and sick people sign up. If only sick people sign up, the program will be successful in the short term, though eventually the money will run out.

The launch of the ACA could prove to jeopardize the future of the program, Laszewski says, as people may be discouraged to sign up. If this is true, healthy people may not sign up and the program might not be sustainable.
