Patricia Goldsmith on Financial Stress Associated With Cancer Care

Patricia J. Goldsmith, chief executive officer, CancerCare, previews data of a CancerCare study highlighting some of the financial challenges associated with patients who have cancer.

Patricia J. Goldsmith, chief executive officer, CancerCare, previews data of a CancerCare study highlighting some of the financial challenges associated with patients who have cancer.

Financial support is one of several components that CancerCare provides to patients, Goldsmith explains.

A landmark study that will be published by CancerCare in May 2016 showcases the demographics of 3000 patients with cancer in the United States, as well as the financial challenges they face. This will help to provide insight to community oncologists, Goldsmith says.

In a preview of the data, she adds, patients under the age of 64 reported a monthly average of $1112 out-of-pocket costs to cover medication, co-pays, deducibles, and transportation expenses related to their cancer treatment.