ONS 37th Annual Congress Slideshow

The Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) 37th Annual Congress Picture Slideshow.

The Oncology Nursing Society 37th Annual Congress, at the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, offered four full days of programming, dozens of exhibitors, satellite symposia, and had thousands of members in attendance. The conference facilitated interactions between oncology nurses from all regions of the US, while ensuring the educational needs of all attendees were met.

Pictures from the conference provide a glimpse into the latest installment of the meeting, which culled over 3,000 oncology nurses and was held in New Orleans, LA. The tagline of the latest conference was, "We're Jazzed You're Here," in reference to the city's rich musical heritage and the Jazz fest, which took place simultaneously to the conference.

The Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, where the meeting was held, housed a state-of-the art exhibit hall, multiple breakaway sessions, and special interest group presentations. Sessions covered information on new treatments and technologies, symptom management, survivorship, leadership, patient education, and many other topics.

Don't miss the 38th Annual Congress, which is planned for April 25 - 28, 2013, in Washington, DC.


View more from the 2012 ONS Congress