Getting Up to Speed with Progress Made in GU Cancers in Memphis

We traveled to Memphis, Tennessee for a State of the Science Summit™ on Genitourinary Cancers, which focused on advances made in the treatment landscapes of metastatic renal cell carcinoma and prostate cancer.

We recently traveled to Memphis, Tennessee, for a State of the Science Summit™ on Genitourinary Cancers. During the meeting, the faculty gave focused presentations on advances made in the treatment landscapes of metastatic renal cell carcinoma and prostate cancer.

In renal cell carcinoma, the faculty homed in on the role of adjuvant TKIs, the current and future use of immunotherapy, the utility of cytoreductive nephrectomy, and the management of treatment-related toxicities. In prostate cancer, the faculty spoke to the current treatment of patients with castration-naïve and non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, the management of androgen deprivation-associated cardiac complications, addressed health disparities, and discussed the use of radiation therapy.