Dr. Vaishampayan on the Utility of FGFR Inhibitors in Urothelial Cancer

Ulka Nitin Vaishampayan, MBBS, discusses the utility of FGFR inhibitors in ​metastatic urothelial cancer.

Ulka Nitin Vaishampayan, MBBS, director, Phase I Program, Rogel Cancer Center, Michigan Medicine, professor of internal medicine, University of Michigan, discusses the utility of FGFR inhibitors in ​metastatic urothelial cancer.

FGFR inhibitors are a targeted therapy option for patients with metastatic urothelial cancer who harbor FGFR fusions, Vaishampayan says. Erdafitinib (Balversa) is an FDA approved FGFR inhibitor that can be administered orally and has demonstrated significant efficacy in this patient population, Vaishampayan explains. 

Overall, it is essential to conduct next-generation sequencing earl​y to determine whether FGFR inhibitors are a therapeutic option for patients with newly diagnosed metastatic urothelial cancer, Vaishampayan concludes.