Dr. Sznol on the Multidisciplinary Management of Immunotherapy-Associated Toxicities in Melanoma

Mario Sznol, MD, Yale Cancer Center, discusses the multidisciplinary management of toxicities associated with immunotherapy in patients with melanoma.

Mario Sznol, MD, a professor of medicine and co-director of Yale SPORE in Skin Cancer at Yale Cancer Center, discusses the multidisciplinary management of toxicities associated with immunotherapy in patients with melanoma.

The key to managing toxicities that present with immunotherapy is ensuring that nurses and other healthcare providers within the institution are well trained on what to expect with this class of agents, says Sznol. This extends to clinical secretaries who answer, route, and manage phone calls from patients who may be experiencing treatment-related toxicities; they are the first line of defense in that they assist with the initial management of these effects, particularly in terms of supportive care, Sznol explains.

It is important to keep a close eye on patients who are receiving these agents, as some of the toxicities can rapidly change from mild to severe, Sznol adds. Overall, the key to managing toxicities with these agents in this population is to maintain communication between the physician, staff, and the patient, Sznol concludes.