Dr. Slomovitz on the Importance of Developing Sequencing Strategies in Endometrial Cancer

Brian M. Slomovitz, MD, discusses the importance of developing sequencing strategies in endometrial cancer treatment.

Brian M. Slomovitz, MD, gynecologic oncology, Broward Health, professor of obstetrics and gynecology, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Florida International University, discusses the importance of developing sequencing strategies in endometrial cancer treatment.

Research regarding sequencing strategies in endometrial cancer has lagged behind compared with ovarian cancer, says Slomovitz.

However, more treatment modalities are available to women with endometrial cancer compared with ovarian cancer, add Slomovitz. Patients with endometrial cancer may receive chemotherapy, radiation, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy, or other biologic agents as part of their treatment regimen.

In the absence of head-to-head data regarding sequencing, treatment considerations should be based on eliciting the best outcome for patients in the first-line setting, as well as optimizing responses from subsequent therapies, concludes Slomovitz.