Dr. Rugo on Hormone Therapy for Patients With Breast Cancer

Hope S. Rugo MD, professor of medicine and director of breast oncology and clinical trials education, University of California, San Francisco Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, discusses hormone therapy for patients with breast cancer.

Hope S. Rugo MD, professor of medicine and director of breast oncology and clinical trials education, University of California, San Francisco Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, discusses hormone therapy for patients with breast cancer.

Oncologists are focusing on trying to find agents that make hormone therapy work better for patients with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, which may help them further understand latency, explains Rugo.

Ongoing clinical trials looking at adjuvant or post-neoadjuvant treatment with CDK 4/6 inhibitors versus placebo or standard of care will hopefully help oncologists learn more about preventing late recurrences, says Rugo.