Dr. Pommier Discusses Challenges Associated With the Treatment of Carcinoid Syndrome

Rodney F. Pommier, MD, professor of surgery, director, Neuroendocrine Tumor Program, Oregon Health & Science University, discusses challenges associated with the treatment of carcinoid syndrome.

Rodney F. Pommier, MD, professor of surgery, director, Neuroendocrine Tumor Program, Oregon Health & Science University, discusses challenges associated with the treatment of carcinoid syndrome.

One challenge, Pommier says, is the fibrosis. Operations are long, difficult, and are conducted on patients who are nutritionally bankrupt. These patients must be optimized before surgery.

During surgery, a carcinoid crisis can be caused by inducing anesthesia, making an incision, or handling a tumor. This carcinoid crisis causes a patient’s blood pressure to behave in erratic ways. Patients who experience a carcinoid crisis are more likely to have postoperative complications.


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