Dr. Miller on the Potential Utility of Sequential PARP Inhibition in Ovarian Cancer

Eirwen M. Miller, MD, discusses the potential utility of sequential PARP inhibition in ovarian cancer.

Eirwen M. Miller, MD, gynecologic oncologist, Allegheny Health Network, West Penn Hospital, discusses the potential utility of sequential PARP inhibition in ovarian cancer.

Retreatment with a PARP inhibitor after a patient has progressed on a prior PARP inhibitor has been done anecdotally in ovarian cancer, says Miller. However, it is not yet understood whether sequential PARP inhibition is effective for patients in this setting, Miller explains. Moreover, whether PARP inhibitor selection effects efficacy is unknown, Miller adds. Additionally, safety remains a concern with this treatment approach, Miller says.

However, retreatment with PARP inhibitors may be considered for patients with ovarian cancer who harbor germline or somatic BRCA mutations and have progressed on frontline maintenance therapy, Miller concludes.