Dr. Lancet on CPX-351 Compared to Chemotherapy for Older Adults With AML

Dr. Lancet of Moffitt Cancer Center explains the use of CPX-351 treatment compared to induction chemotherapy, for older adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia.

Jeffrey Lancet, MD, of Moffitt Cancer Center, explains the use of CPX-351 compared with induction chemotherapy for older adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

More patients with AML were able to proceed to transplant following treatment with CPX-351 compared with the traditional 7+3 chemotherapy regimen, Lancet notes. As such, Lancet believes that CPX-351 could serve as a potential bridge to successful allogeneic transplant.

Data from the phase III study showed that 65% of patients in the CPX-351 arm who proceeded to transplant survived, at a follow-up of 521 days. In the standard of care arm, 33% of patients survived at a 442-day follow-up.


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