Dr. Deol on the Nuances of Utilizing CAR T-Cell Therapy in Lymphoma and Leukemia

Abhinav Deol, MD, discusses the nuances of utilizing CAR T-cell therapy in lymphoma and leukemia.

Abhinav Deol, MD, associate clinical professor, Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, discusses the nuances of utilizing CAR T-cell therapy in lymphoma and leukemia.

CAR T-cell therapy is an important modality of treatment ​for patients with lymphoma and leukemia. 

​However, patients must demonstrate good performance status​, along with ​good social support ​to be eligible for treatment, says Deol. As such, CAR T-cell therapy may not be an option for every patient. 

Additionally, after ​patients receive an infusion ​of CAR T-cell therapy, they must be observed for potential neurological toxicity​, hypogammaglobulinemia​, and other long-term adverse effects that could require chronic immunoglobulin replacement​, Deol says. Moreover, patients may develop cytopenias that can last ​for up to 1 year ​following infusion. 

The field of lymphoma and leukemia continues to gain experience in administering this therapeutic modality and, in the near future, additional ​regulatory approvals for the modality are expected, Deol concludes.