Dr. Crafton on Optimizing Treatment Selection in Recurrent Ovarian Cancer

Sarah Crafton, MD, gynecologic oncologist, Allegheny Health Network, discusses optimizing treatment selection in recurrent ovarian cancer.

Sarah Crafton, MD, gynecologic oncologist, Allegheny Health Network, discusses optimizing treatment selection in recurrent ovarian cancer.

Platinum-sensitivity should be used to guide treatment selection in the recurrent setting, says Crafton. Notably, a variety of platinum-based therapies and targeted therapies are available to patients with platinum-sensitive disease. and platinum-resistant disease.

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network publishes a list of available agents for patients with platinum-sensitive and platinum-resistant disease. The decision of which treatment to pursue should be based on previous toxicities, disease-related symptoms, prior platinum status, and current functional status, concludes Crafton.