Dr. Costello on Tailoring Induction Therapy for Standard- and High-Risk Multiple Myeloma

Caitlin Costello, MD, discusses tailoring induction therapy for patients with standard-risk and high-risk multiple myeloma.

Caitlin Costello, MD, hematologist/medical oncologist, assistant professor of medicine, University of California, San Diego ​Health, discusses tailoring induction therapy for patients with standard-risk and high-risk multiple myeloma.

The goal of induction therapy across risk subgroups is to eliminate as much cancer as possible, Costello says. Ideally, the patient will achieve a complete remission (CR) or stringent CR. 

However, optimizing treatment for patients based on risk remains a challenge, explains Costello.

It appears that patients with high-risk multiple myeloma who have highly proliferative and aggressive disease require a more aggressive induction regimen, Costello says.

Several ongoing clinical trials are investigating how to best tailor therapy to patients with standard- vs high-risk disease, concludes Costello.