Dr. Copeland on the Prevalence of Ovarian Cancer in the United States

Larry J. Copeland, MD, discusses the prevalence of ovarian cancer in the United States.

Larry J. Copeland, MD, professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center—James, discusses the prevalence of ovarian cancer in the United States.

The prevalence trends of ovarian cancer are up, says Copeland. The prevalence trends are up, not because of the frequency of occurrence, but because patients are living longer. Additional research has the potential to exaggerate the prevalence of ovarian cancer even further.

The etiology of ovarian cancer has made it challenging to develop preventative and early detection strategies, says Copeland. Currently, tube removal is implemented as a preventative strategy.

Going forward, additional investigation is needed to understand how blood work, urine analysis, and imaging can aid in early detection of ovarian cancer, concludes Copeland.