Dr. Comerci on the Utility of Primary Debulking Surgery in Ovarian Cancer

John T. Comerci, MD, discusses the utility of primary debulking surgery in ovarian cancer.

John T. Comerci, MD, associate professor, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and director of Gynecologic Oncology, UPMC Passavant Hospital, discusses the utility of primary debulking surgery in ovarian cancer.

In the last decade, the field has developed a greater understanding of which patients should receive upfront debulking surgery versus neoadjuvant chemotherapy, says Comerci. Elderly patients are not typically eligible for primary debulking surgery due to their age, performance status, and comorbidities, says Comerci.

Physical activity may influence surgical eligibility, says Comerci. For example, an 80-year-old patient who is physically active may be able to tolerate the stress of surgery.

Additionally, laparoscopic imaging has made it easier to determine primary debulking surgical eligibility, concludes Comerc