Dr. Chang on the TRINOVA-1 Trial in Ovarian Cancer

David D. Chang, MD, PhD, head of global oncology development at Amgen, discusses the design of the TRINOVA-1 trial in ovarian cancer.

David D. Chang, MD, PhD, head of global oncology development at Amgen, discusses the design of the TRINOVA-1 trial in ovarian cancer.

There are three TRINOVA studies, Chang says, which Amgen has been involved with for years. In the TRINOVA-1 trial, patients with ovarian cancer, primary peritoneal cancer, and fallopian tube cancer were randomized to receive trebananib (AMG 386) or placebo in combination with weekly paclitaxel chemotherapy.

Trebananib is a peptibody designed to block angiopoietins 1 and 2, and therefore blocking angiogenesis, Chang says.