Dr. Backes on Challenges Regarding Staging of Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors

Floor J. Backes, MD, discusses challenges regarding staging and treatment locations in ovarian germ cell tumors.

Floor J. Backes, MD, associate professor, Division of Gynecologic Oncology, The Ohio State University (OSU), gynecologic oncologist, vice chair, Cancer Institutional Review Board, member, Cancer Control Program, The OSU Comprehensive Cancer Center–James, discusses challenges regarding staging and treatment locations in ovarian germ cell tumors.

Staging in rare tumors, such as ovarian germ cell tumors, can present unique challenges, Backes explains. For example, the Children’s Oncology Group and the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics have different staging criteria for ovarian germ cell tumors.

In younger patients with ovarian germ cell tumors, fertility-sparing surgeries are preferred, Backes says. Overall, surgical guidelines differ between younger vs older patients and surgical requirements, such as whether lymph node removal should be completed, differ based on disease stage. Moreover, treatment considerations differ based on staging, Backes adds.

Additionally, ovarian germ cell tumors can affect pediatric and adult patients. Although most gynecologic oncology centers treat adult women with gynecologic malignancies, treatment for ovarian germ cell tumors often requires collaboration between a pediatric hospital and a gynecologic oncology center, which can complicate treatment and clinical trial enrollment, Backes concludes.