Dr. Ahmed on the Role of Multidisciplinary Care in Breast Cancer Brain Metastases

Kamran A. Ahmed, MD, discusses the role of multidisciplinary care in breast cancer–related brain metastases.

Kamran A. Ahmed, MD, an assistant member in the Department of Radiation Oncology and the Department of Immunology at Moffitt Cancer Center and an assistant professor in the Department of Oncologic Sciences at the University of South Florida, discusses the role of multidisciplinary care in breast cancer–related brain metastases.

Data from the phase 2 HER2CLIMB and phase 3 NALA trials, as well as targeted therapies in the pipeline, have demonstrated a role for systemic therapy in the management of patients with breast cancer–related brain metastases, says Ahmed.

As such, managing these patients through a multidisciplinary care team is critical, Ahmed explains. Radiation oncologists and neurosurgeons should elicit the input of medical oncologists who may be guiding central nervous system–directed systemic care.

Additionally, as data remain limited in this space, enrolling patients on clinical trials remains a valuable option in improving therapies and identifying new options for this patient population, concludes Ahmed.