Defining Value for the Treatment of Brain Metastases in Metastatic HER2-Positive Breast Cancer

Supplements and Featured Publications, Defining Value for the Treatment of Brain Metastases in Metastatic HER2-Positive Breast Cancer, Volume 01, Issue 01

Experts highlight the risk factors, comorbidities, diagnosis, economic burden, and treatments for brain metastasis in metastatic breast cancer based on data presented at the 2020 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.

Brain metastasis in metastatic breast cancer (mBC) can be silent, and it is fairly common for patients to be asymptomatic. But mBC has substantial direct and indirect costs for patients, insurance payers, and society. The goals of therapy for mBC with brain metastasis are to improve symptoms, stabilize or reduce the tumor burden, maintain quality of life, and improve overall survival.

New therapies can provide value by reducing the risk of distant metastasis, preventing central nervous system relapse, and improving quality of life. This article discusses the risk factors, comorbidities, diagnosis, economic burden, and treatments for brain metastasis in mBC, based on recent Insights video interviews with Kevin Kalinsky, MD, MS; Sarah Sammons, MD; and Bhavesh Shah, RPh, BCOP.

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