Dana Jacoby on How a Group of Physicians Can Become a Successful Medical Group

Dana Jacoby, senior consultant, BSM Consulting, gives advice on how a group of physicians can build a strong, healthy culture when looking to form a successful medical organization.

Dana Jacoby, senior consultant, BSM Consulting, gives advice on how a group of physicians can build a strong, healthy culture when looking to form a successful medical organization.

There are specifically four ways a medical group can form a successful, strong culture. First, Jacoby says, a group must have a clear mission, vision, and values of what their organization looks like, ie their culture.

It is important for a group to have strong leadership, Jacoby says. Trust and transparency in an organization also matters, as it helps employees remain accountable. This element should also include a communication plan.

Finally, an organization should have a culture of accountability, Jacoby adds.