29th Annual Miami Breast Cancer Conference Slideshow

Pictures from the Annual Miami Breast Cancer Conference, at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach hotel, in Florida.

The Annual Miami Breast Cancer Conference, at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach hotel, in Florida, has been bringing together surgical, medical, and radiation oncologists for 29 years. The goal of the conference is to foster the awareness of new therapies and treatments while encouraging multidisciplinary cooperation.

The photos provide a glimpse into the latest installment of the meeting, which was opened with an address from Daniel A. Osman, MD, the breast cancer surgeon who launched the conference and remains its program director.

The large Fontainebleau Miami Beach hotel is utilized to its fullest with a state-of-the art exhibit hall and targeted learning tracks for surgical and medical oncologists. Breast cancer experts from around the world gathered to participate in hands on workshops and hear top researchers present cutting edge material.

<<< View the On-site Coverage From the 29th Annual Miami Breast Cancer Conference.