March 2017 | Special Issues

Midwest Oncology Practice Succeeds With Independent Spirit

February 23, 2017

The partners at Cancer Center of Kansas have heard for years about all the radical changes they must make to survive as a business. They have implemented those changes required by law, but they have stood firm against fads.

Big Data Strives for Individualized Coverage

February 21, 2017

Healthcare spending is one of the largest expenses for a company and, more and more, employers are using population-based Big Data to ensure their employees have coverage tailored to their needs at a reasonable cost.

IBM's Watson Gains Commercial Acceptance in US

February 15, 2017

Watson for Oncology, the IBM "cognitive" computer tool for helping with clinical decisions, is making its debut this month at Jupiter Medical Center in Florida as a regular member of the armamentarium for fighting cancer, as opposed to being a prospective product on trial.

ACA May Be a Tough Act to Follow

February 10, 2017

The Republican push to repeal the Affordable Care Act has sent anxiety levels soaring among oncologists and their patients, due largely to the great uncertainty about how exactly Congress will proceed.

Immuno-Oncology Will Require Extensive Staff Training

January 30, 2017

Immuno-oncology drugs have the potential to improve the level of care in many respects, but they bring with them a host of problems related to implementation that require a completely new set of strategies.