February 2017 | Special Issues

Soaring Drug Prices Bring New Challenges

February 11, 2017

Not only are drug prices soaring with the arrival of many new therapies, but competition for the drug dispensing and drug infusion business is on the rise, Jeff Liticker, PharmD, of UT Southwestern Medical said in a recent talk about oncology drug issues sponsored by the Association of Community Cancer Centers.

Who Is at the Controls of 340B?

January 29, 2017

The 340B Drug Pricing Program, designed to provide support for out-patient drug purchases, severely lacks federal oversight, said BRG Healthcare, the business advisory group, in a report sponsored by the Alliance for Integrity and Reform of 340B (AIR340B).

New Models May Bridge the Payment Gap

January 28, 2017

The Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders believes that its acupuncturist, dietitian, psychotherapist, and other ancillary service providers extend patient's lives and decrease total treatment costs by reducing hospital visits. In the past, payers did not agree and would not pay for such services, which is one reason why partners at the practice are excited about the ongoing transition from fee-for-service payments to fee-for-outcome payments.

CMS Keeps Innovation Under Lock and Key

January 27, 2017

Several organizations are developing alternative payment models they hope CMS will adopt as ways to encourage oncologists to deliver care at a lower cost while improving its quality. If approved, these proposals could become customized alternatives to the agency’s Oncology Care Model.