April 2014 | Special Issues

A Sizable Success: UroPartners Balances Operation of Large Practice with Provision of Singular Care

June 09, 2014

One of the ongoing debates in US politics involves the pros and cons of big government versus small government: Does big automatically equal bureaucracy and groupthink while small inherently fosters individual creativity and enterprise?

New NCCN Prostate Cancer Screening Guidelines Aim for Middle Ground

May 15, 2014

New prostate cancer screening guidelines that seek to balance overtreatment concerns with the need to preserve gains in curbing prostate cancer mortality were unveiled at the National Comprehensive Cancer Network's 19th Annual Conference.

Immediate Surgery Improves Outcomes in Localized Prostate Cancer

May 13, 2014

A recent study that followed men newly diagnosed with localized prostate cancer for a median 18 years found that immediate radical prostatectomy significantly cut death rates as compared with watchful waiting with treatment upon progression, especially in men with intermediate-risk disease.

Studies Challenge Common Treatment Strategies in Prostate Cancer

May 08, 2014

Two recent studies have raised questions about current trends in prostate cancer (PC) treatment, one supporting the employment of a little-used strategy-direct treatment of the primary tumor in men who have metastatic PC at diagnosis

AGS-003 to Be Tested With Sunitinib as RCC Treatment

May 07, 2014

A trial (NCT01582672) that will pair a targeted treatment with a vaccine therapy for firstline treatment of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is recruiting at the Cedars-Sinai Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute.

Vitamin E, Selenium Can Greatly Increase Prostate Cancer Risk

May 06, 2014

Despite being quite popular, the dietary supplements vitamin E and selenium do not protect men from developing prostate cancer, and in fact greatly increase risk in certain patients if taken at doses higher than those recommended