May 2011 | Oncology & Biotech News

University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center: A Tradition of Comprehensive, Multidisciplinary Care

June 13, 2011

Currently, more than 250 physicians and scientists work in concert to provide state-of- the art diagnosis, treatment, and aftercare for the more than 20,000 patients seen each year at the UW hospitals, clinics, and affiliate clinical facilities

Immunotherapies: Avoiding Collisions Once the Brake Is Released

June 11, 2011

Immunotherapies made headlines in oncology last month when the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) decided that the anticancer vaccine sipuleucel-T (Provenge) will be a payable expense for prostate cancer.

Leaving One "Haze" and Entering Another

May 20, 2011

The explosion of knowledge emanating from laboratories and clinics across the globe is steadily clearing the "haze" that shrouds the molecular basis of malignant cell transformation, growth, and spread