PER® Winter Lung Cancer Conference | Conference

Durvalumab Delivers Durable Benefit, Regardless of PD-L1 Expression, in NSCLC

February 7th 2021

Mark A. Socinski, MD, discusses the nuances of the PACIFIC trial and ongoing research with durvalumab that could extend the reach of immunotherapy in early-stage lung cancer.

ADAURA Raises Questions About Optimal Use of Adjuvant EGFR TKIs in NSCLC

February 6th 2021

Over the past 2 decades, the field of EGFR-mutated non–small cell lung cancer has grown tremendously, but the influx of data and the recent regulatory approval of adjuvant osimertinib have raised several important questions to be addressed to ensure that the optimal treatment approach is utilized.

Lung Cancer Paradigm Pushes Toward Accessible Care and Improved Telemedicine

February 6th 2021

Rogerio C. Lilenbaum, MD, discusses some of the key clinical issues facing the lung cancer field, the role of genomic testing and multidisciplinary care, and the challenges that arose with telemedicine during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.

Experts Take Stock of Critical Clinical Issues in Lung Cancer

February 6th 2021

In the quest for scientific purity, one should not lose sight of the meaningful end points that can make a difference in patients’ daily lives.

Dr. Fidler on the Potential Utility of ctDNA to Inform Treatment Escalation in Lung Cancer

February 6th 2021

Mary Jo J. Fidler, MD, discusses the potential utility of circulating tumor DNA to inform treatment escalation in lung cancer.

Dr. Lilenbaum on the Challenges of Integrating Telehealth Services in Lung Cancer

February 6th 2021

Rogerio C. Lilenbaum, MD, discusses the challenges of integrating telehealth services in lung cancer.

Dr. Socinski on the Role of Immunotherapy in PD-L1–Negative Lung Cancer

February 6th 2021

Mark A. Socinski, MD, discusses the role of immunotherapy in PD-L1–negative lung cancer.

Dr. Borghaei on Selecting Single-Agent Versus Combination Therapy in Lung Cancer

February 6th 2021

Hossein Borghaei, DO, MS, discusses selecting between single-agent versus combination therapies in lung cancer.

Assessing Treatment Strategies ALK+ Lung Cancer

February 11th 2020

Luis E. Raez, MD, provides insight into therapies available to patients with ALK-mutant non–small cell lung cancer and underscores the role of genetic testing in informing treatment decisions.

Dr. Wakelee on Immediate Therapy Options in Lung Cancer

February 10th 2020

Heather A. Wakelee, MD, discusses therapy options when patients with lung cancer must receive treatment options immediately rather than wait for molecular testing results.

Dr. Pennell on Benefits of Liquid Biopsies in Lung Cancer

February 10th 2020

Nathan A. Pennell, MD, PhD, discusses the benefits of liquid biopsies in lung cancer.

Brahmer Highlights Next Steps for Osimertinib in EGFR-Mutant NSCLC

February 10th 2020

Julie R. Brahmer, MD, discusses the impact of osimertinib in EGFR-mutant non–small cell lung cancer, ongoing research with the agent, and the importance of molecular testing.

Should EGFR TKI Use Expand in Frontline NSCLC?

February 10th 2020

Treatment with osimertinib in the frontline has been the standard of care for patients with EGFR-mutant non–small cell lung cancer since the pivotal FLAURA trial.

Therapeutic Advances Promote Personalized Medicine in Advanced NSCLC

February 10th 2020

Significant research advances in targeted therapy and immunotherapy within the past years have created a more personalized approach to treatment for patients with advanced non–small cell lung cancer.

Finding the Immunotherapy Finish Line Remains a Challenge in NSCLC

February 9th 2020

Based on available data, treatment is not that obvious for patients with metastatic non–small cell lung cancer who are tolerating treatment well and have either a complete or partial response to therapy.

Dr. Ramalingam on Treatment Parameters for Osimertinib in Lung Cancer

February 9th 2020

Suresh S. Ramalingam, MD, FASCO, discusses the current treatment parameters for osimertinib in EGFR-mutant non–small cell lung cancer and ongoing research with the agent.

Dr. Lopes on Standard Durations of Checkpoint Inhibition in Metastatic Lung Cancer

February 9th 2020

Gilberto De Lima Lopes, MD, discusses the standard of care for pembrolizumab in patients with metastatic lung cancer.

Immunotherapy Restructures the SCLC Treatment Landscape

February 9th 2020

The standard of care for patients with small cell lung cancer has been trapped in a period of stagnation for the past several decades.

Optimal Immunotherapy Sequencing Remains Elusive in Lung Cancer

February 9th 2020

The potential therapeutic benefits of immune checkpoint inhibitors as monotherapy as well as in combination with chemotherapy for patients with non–small cell lung cancer depend greatly on the timing of treatment initiation. However, for patients with EGFR, ALK, and other actionable mutations, identifying the optimal combination is a hurdle.

Building on Momentum Is Vital in Lung Cancer

February 8th 2020

Advancements in the prevention and treatment of patients with lung cancer have picked up momentum over the past decade and now is the time to build on that progress according to Suresh S. Ramalingam, MD, FASCO.