Susan Domchek, MD


Dr Domchek on the Importance of Germline Testing in Breast Cancer Care

March 22nd 2023

Susan Domchek, MD, FASCO, discusses the importance of germline testing in breast cancer care.

Dr. Domchek on Results of the MEDIOLA Trial in BRCA-Mutated Metastatic Breast Cancer

November 1st 2019

Susan Domchek, MD, discusses the results of the phase II MEDIOLA trial in germline BRCA-mutated metastatic breast cancer.

Dr. Domchek on Potential Benefits of Biosimilars in Oncology

August 28th 2019

Susan Domchek, MD, director, MacDonald Women’s Cancer Risk Evaluation Center, executive director, the Basser Center for BRCA, and Basser Professor in Oncology, at Penn Medicine, discusses the potential benefits of biosimilars in oncology.

Dr. Domchek Discusses Areas of Investigation in Breast Cancer

April 4th 2018

Susan Domchek, MD, director of the Basser Center for BRCA at Penn Medicine, discusses areas of investigation in breast cancer.

Dr. Domchek Discusses Immunotherapy in Breast Cancer

March 21st 2018

Susan Domchek, MD, director of the Basser Center for BRCA at Penn Medicine, discusses the development of immunotherapy in breast cancer.

Dr. Domchek on Promising Biomarkers in Breast Cancer

January 9th 2018

Susan Domchek, MD, director of the Basser Center for BRCA at Penn Medicine, discusses promising biomarkers in breast cancer.

Dr. Domchek on the MEDIOLA Trial in Breast Cancer

December 19th 2017

Susan Domchek, MD, director of the Basser Center for BRCA at Penn Medicine, discusses the MEDIOLA trial in breast cancer.

Dr. Domchek Discusses Unanswered Questions from the MEDIOLA Trial

December 8th 2017

Susan Domchek, MD, director of the Basser Center for BRCA at Penn Medicine, discusses some questions that remain after the recent phase II MEDIOLA trial.