Simon Rule, MD, PhD


Dr. Rule on the FDA Approval of Zanubrutinib in MCL

November 15th 2019

Simon Rule, MD, PhD, professor of hematology, Plymouth University Medical School, United Kingdom, discusses the FDA approval of zanubrutinib (Brukinsa) in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL).

Dr. Rule on the Future Treatment Paradigm in MCL

November 13th 2019

Simon Rule, MD, PhD, discusses what the treatment landscape of mantle cell lymphoma may look like in the next decade.

Dr. Rule on the Treatment Paradigm in MCL

August 14th 2019

Simon Rule, MD, PhD, professor of hematology, Plymouth University Medical School, discusses the treatment paradigm in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL).

Dr. Rule on Standard of Care in MCL

August 8th 2019

Simon Rule, MD, PhD, professor of haematology, Plymouth University Medical School, discusses the standard of care for mantle cell lymphoma in various patient subsets.

Dr. Rule on the Combination of Venetoclax and Ibrutinib in MCL

August 3rd 2019

Simon Rule, MD, PhD, professor of hematology, Plymouth University Medical School, discusses the combination of venetoclax (Venclexta) and ibrutinib (Imbruvica) in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL).

Dr. Rule on the MabCute Study in Indolent Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

June 14th 2019

Simon Rule, MD, PhD, Plymouth University Medical School, discusses results of the phase III MabCute study evaluating subcutaneous rituximab as maintenance after standard subcutaneous rituximab induction and maintenance in patients who have relapsed or refractory indolent non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Dr. Rule on Treatment Approaches for Patients With p53-Mutated MCL

February 9th 2019

Simon Rule, MD, PhD, professor of hematology, Plymouth University Medical School, United Kingdom, discusses treatment approaches for patients with p53-mutated mantle cell lymphoma (MCL).

Dr. Rule on Treatment of Young, Fit Patients With MCL

December 3rd 2018

Simon Rule, MD, PhD, professor of hematology, Plymouth University Medical Center, discusses the treatment of young, fit patients with mantle cell lymphoma.

Dr. Rule on Patients With p53-Mutated MCL

November 7th 2018

Simon Rule, MD, PhD, professor of hematology, Plymouth University Medical Center, United Kingdom, discusses the treatment of patients with p53-mutated mantle cell lymphoma.

Dr. Rule Addresses Questions on the Watch-and-Wait Approach in MCL

October 31st 2018

Simon Rule, MD, PhD, professor of hematology, Plymouth University Medical School, United Kingdom, addresses questions on the watch-and-wait approach in mantle cell lymphoma.

Dr. Rule on Watching and Waiting Approach For MCL Subset

October 3rd 2018

Simon Rule, MD, PhD, professor of hematology, Plymouth University Medical School, United Kingdom, discusses the “watching and waiting” approach for a subset of patients with mantle cell lymphoma.

Dr. Rule on Rituximab Biosimilar Use in the UK

September 22nd 2018

Simon Rule, MD, PhD, professor of hematology, Plymouth University Medical School, United Kingdom, discusses the use of biosimilars in the United Kingdom for the treatment of cancer.

Dr. Rule on the Role of BTK Inhibitors in MCL

September 18th 2018

Simon Rule, MD, PhD, professor of Hematology at Plymouth University Medical School, United Kingdom, discusses the role of BTK inhibitors in the treatment of patients with mantle cell lymphoma.